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* ✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧ *

"The fuck injun?" Haechan snarled, finding the comment the older had made inappropriate

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"The fuck injun?" Haechan snarled, finding the comment the older had made inappropriate.

"What? It's a normal question" renjun chuckled.

Haechan was about to grab renjun's collar, but Jaemin had stopped him before he could do so.

"Huang Fucking Renjun" Jaemin was glaring.

"You know I didn't cheat, she fucking forced herself on me, and second of all, you had never something to do with that situation, so why the hell do you always bring that shit up?!? You want me to feel bad?! As if I don't feel bad enough Everytime I think about it. But you have no fucking right to talk about my past mistakes" Jaemin said, going up the stairs directed to his room.

"Oh, and kindly leave my house thank you" Jaemin's voice was emotionless.

"I'm so fucking disappointed" Haechan said, as he escorted a renjun, who was kinda feeling bad for the younger, out of the door.

"What just happened?" Mark questioned, as he and Jeno were confused. Chenle and Jisung knew what they were talking about, as they had witnessed the scene that happened years ago live.

"I-I don't know if I'm allowed to tell you" Haechan answered, fiddling with his fingers. He knew Jaemin had to stay alone for some time now.

Before Haechan could react, jeno was already directed towards jaemins room, softly knocking on the door.

"Go away"

"Hey Nana, it's me" Jeno softly said, his hand on the door handle.

"come in" a muffled sound was heard from the inside.

"Nana? Are you okay?" Why did Jeno have to care so much? Jaemin didn't deserve him at all. Jaemin didn't deserve such a warm person, if he himself was being called a cheater by his own friends.

Jaemin just shook his head, still lying on the bed.

"do you want to tell me what happened? You don't have to, just tell me if you want" Jeno caressed jaemins hand.

"Come here" the younger said, motioning Jeno to lie down besides him.

"Two years ago, I had a person I was very close too. We never made it official but we kissed, held hands, practically did everything couples did, so everyone assumed we were together" Jaemin started, feeling a lump in his throat.

"One day, we were in the Mensa of our school, happily chatting with all our friends seated there, but he wasn't there, he was late again. After some more of waiting, I got tired and wanted to go and search for him, but this girl approached me, I thought she wanted help or something but she just straight up sat on my lap and kissed me"

"Before I could even realize what was happening, a loud bang was heard. He had seen everything, and thought I cheated on him, even though we technically weren't together. He had dropped his food, and tears were in his eyes. Yet he didn't cry, no not at all."

"His appearance was completely different. Uniform all put on chaotically, his hair disheveled and his lips were red as fuck, and then I knew he had cheated on me, again, even though we weren't together. It was all the other way around, yet no one wanted to belive me"

Jaemin finished, just one tear escaping his eye. He didn't miss him at all, yet the memories of everyone being against him still haunt him everyday.

"Oh nana" Jeno whispered, throwing Jaemin into a hug, even though they were lying on the bed.

"I belive you didn't do anything wrong, yes in some perspectives it could've looked completely wrong, but there surely were people that saw what actually happened, and if he showed up like that, it's none of your fault, it's more like his loss, because he lost the best person he could ever even have wished for" Jeno stated, caressing jaemin's cheeks.

And that made Jaemin give in. He cried, his head now buried in jeno's chest.

"I-I really don't deserve you" the younger choked, holding onto the other male.

"I think it's the other way around" Jeno hummed.

So they just stayed like that, lying in each other's arm.

After some time Jaemin had fallen asleep, tired from all that crying, as Jeno tucked him into bed.

"I'll always be there to protect you nana, I promise, now that I'm here, I'm not planning on leaving"

"I love you"

And Jeno lied down besides Jaemin, hugging him.

(A/N): hellow

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