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"Hey! Are you alright?" Lucas quickly ran to the person who tripped, and fell on the floor

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"Hey! Are you alright?" Lucas quickly ran to the person who tripped, and fell on the floor.

"Y-yes it's okay" A boy with pink and purple hair quietly said, slowly standing up with the help of Lucas.

"What's your name? I've never seen you here" Lucas observed. He definitely never saw this boy, but damn was he handsome.

"J-jungwoo, I just transferred here" the boy, now known as jungwoo said.

"Nice to meet you jungwoo! I hope we'll get along!" And just like that, the boys witnessed a new friendship bloom, and possibly a relationship in the future.

"Why do i have a feeling they'll get together in the future" Haechan chuckled, as he observed the shy boy and the way to friendly Lucas talking while smiling.

The other boys silently agreed, while Jaemin was a little lost in his thoughts. 'I shouldn't have been so harsh on renjun, I don't even know if he came today'

Jaemin was pissed with renjun yes, but he knew why he had done it. Renjun had a crush on Jaemin's 'not official ex-boyfriend', and he had even told Jaemin Back then, and they decided to let him choose who to date. Yet none of that had happened. Because he told everyone he choose Jaemin, but he didn't tell renjun. So he told renjun that he had choose him instead of jaemin. And that day, when he came into the cafeteria, he had just made out with renjun, without telling anyone.

The two friends had talked it out after he moved somewhere abroad, deciding on leaving him in the past. And it had saddened Jaemin a lot to see that renjun maybe still wasn't over him.

"Nana? NANA?" Jeno waved his hand i front of jaemins eyes, making the younger finally concentrate.

"Oh- yes sorry I was spacing out" Jaemin awkwardly chuckled.

"Yes, I figured" Jeno just gave him a fond look, making everyone else at the table gag.

"Hey! What was that for? Y'all never gag at mark hyung and hyuck!" Jaemin complained.

"That's because they'll both probably kill us, and you two aren't violent at all" Chenle said, making Jisung nod besides him.

"I'm going to the bathroom real quick" Jaemin quickly said, because it seemed like he had just seen renjun pass by, and he really wanted to talk things out with him.

He went outside, finding the older who was sitting against a tree.

"Injun can we talk?" Jaemin softly asked, careful to not scare the older.

"I'm sorry" renjun finally let himself go, as he cried.

"Hey hey, it's okay" Jaemin hugged him, patting his hair and whispering comforting words to him.

"I-I shouldn't- I shouldn't have said that- I'm sorry" renjun sobbed, bringing the younger closer.

"It's okay hyung, I forgive you" Jaemin hated seeing people cry, so as long as renjun was okay he was okay too.

"I-I am over h-him, but the memories always h-hunt me when I drink, it reminds m-me so much of t-the first time he kissed me"

"It's okay" and Jaemin comforted his friend for some other minutes, completely forgetting to inform his friends that he will be taking some time.

(A/N): so for the Lucas situation, I do not support him nor hate him until an official statement will be released. Remember that sending hate doesn't help anything, it just makes you look dumb if he's innocent in the end.

Please do never leave hate if you aren't sure about anything, that will only worsen their situation and mindset.

Think carefully before you speak.

Even though I think that sm won't say anything, it pains me to see people bashing him everywhere. Lucas always seemed like a good guy, and I have no idea how this even happened in the first place. Let's hope everything will be alright.

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