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"How do I plan a murder?"

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"How do I plan a murder?"

"Hyuck what the actual fuck- how am I supposed to know this?!?! Go and ask injun" Jaemin calmly replied.

And that's how a conversation between best friends starts guys. If yours isn't like this or worse y'all aren't besties for life (😞✋)

"Right! Injun! Why didn't I think about it?" Haechan slapped himself on the forehead.

"Who do you have to kill? I can help"

While the two besties were having the conversation, mark and Jeno just strangely stared at them.

"Pftt- look at their face" Donghyuck laughed, finding it amusing.

"Who the hell do you have to kill?" Mark wondered.

"No one Markie, don't worry" Donghyuck winked.

"You guys are strange" Jeno frowned, sipping on his smoothie.

The four of them went on a double date. Yes you read that right. Double date.

Jeno and Mark didn't want to, but Jaemin was super convincing so they just agreed on it.

"That's just how we are sweetie, deal with it" Donghyuck sassed.

Mark frowned a bit at his boyfriend calling someone else names, but he knew that it was just the way Donghyuck was. And he definitely knew that the younger loved him. He got reminded every 10 minutes.

"We'll be going now, we have something to do" Jaemin hummed, saying goodbye to his friends and walking out hand in hand with his boyfriend.


"I know that I shouldn't be jealous, but she keeps on clinging to him! And it angers me cause mark doesn't know how to say no!" Haechan ranted.

"He's just being friendly Hyuck, don't think much- okay she's touching his chest that's way too much" Jaemin observed mark and the new girl.

"Jaem... did you see her sister? She's exactly like that with Jeno! This is unacceptable" Chenle came up to them, informing the boys of what he had witnessed some moments before.

"I don't think it's so bad, she's just being friendly I guess? I know that Jeno loves me and that he would never cheat on me, he isn't like that" the black haired thought.

"I'll talk to him" was the last thing Jaemin said before going away, and texting Jeno to meet outside the school later.


"Nana? Hey" Jeno smiled, hugging his boyfriend.

"Hey Nono" Jaemin hugged him back, kissing him on the cheek.

They didn't separate, they just stayed like that in each other's arms.

"Can I ask you something?" Jaemin frowned, he didn't want to sound overprotective or jealous, even though he was a bit. But could you blame him? Literally every second chick wanted Jeno.

"Mhm, what is it?" The older stared into the others eyes.

Damnit! How do I say this if he looks at me like that?! I'll never get used to this Jaemin thought.

"D-don't look at me like that!"

"Awww, did I make my nana flustered?" Jaemin whined, hiding his face in jeno's neck.

"Y-yes you did!"

Jeno just chuckled in response, as he caressed jaemins hair.

"So? What did you want to ask me?"

"Does Amaya like you?" Jaemin said, referring to mira's sister.

"Yes she does, she even shamelessly told me it today, even though she knows me since maybe what, 5 days? I told her off though. First, because I'm not interested Second, because I already have the love of my life as my partner"

Jaemin blushed. Seriously, what did he do to deserve Jeno?

I guess he was a lifesaver in his past life.

"What about mark? Mira is well... waaayyyy more" Jaemin didn't continue his sentence, he didn't know how to describe mira... she was something else. And not in a good way.

"I'm actually kinda worried, mark can't say no. I don't even think he'd have the courage to reject her" the older boy frowned, his arms still around jaemin's waist.

"What If she tries something? I don't want something bad to happen" Jaemin believed with his whole heart that mark and Haechan belonged together.

It doesn't matter in which reality, in which universe, in which life, in which planet, mark and Haechan always belonged together.

Just like him and Jeno.

Suddenly they started hearing whispers and screams, and they found literally the whole Uni outside.

Yeah, I think people still like gossip even though they're mature already.

They linked their hands together, and went to the front, seeing Mira and Mark standing in the middle of the whole fuss.

Jaemin's and jeno's eyes widened, what was happening?

"Touch me once again, I dare you" mark hissed. He was so damn done being nice. She had the guts to touch him and flirt, after he told her at least 60 times that he was taken?!?! Why the fuck was she so hard headed? Can't she get a simple NO

"What?" Was the only thing the girl could get out.

"I told you off at least six times why can't you understand that I'm not interested?!?" Mark tried not to raise his voice.

Everyone was stunned. Mark wasn't the type of person to talk like this to another person.

Haechan was just watching.

"But why? I can give you everything you want" Mira tried again.

"Goddamnit! I already have everything I want! I have a beautiful boyfriend who's a billion times better than you! I dare you to call him what you called him earlier again and you won't see the light of the day anymore, understood? Now get the fuck out of my way" he finished.


"Hyuck, hey- I'm sorry you had to hear that-"mark couldn't continue his sentence, as Haechan jumped on him and kissed him, right in front of everyone.

Meanwhile, Jeno and Jaemin had gone away, silently gossiping about their best friends.

(A/N): one last chapter...
Sorry for not updating before but like I had school until 5pm rip

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