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* ✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧ *

"So where are we going?" Jaemin questioned, he was curious, and the look that Jeno had in his eyes didn't convince him at all

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"So where are we going?" Jaemin questioned, he was curious, and the look that Jeno had in his eyes didn't convince him at all.

"Not telling you" Jeno teased.

"Ughh why not? I'm nervousss" Jaemin whined.

"Don't be nervous, you're here with me aren't you?" The older eye smiled.

"Stop that!" The light brown haired male covered his face.

"Stop what?" Jeno questioned, he had not understood what Jaemin was talking about.

"That thingy you do with your eyes when you smile! It's not Healthy for my heart" Jaemin complained.

Jeno then erupted in a fit of giggles, Jaemin was just way too cute.

"It's called eye smile, and you're utterly adorable" jeno's face radiated, happiness, home, warmth, love, everything Jaemin had ever wanted.

'I think j found the right one'

"Okay we're here" Jeno went out of the car, opening jaemins door for the younger.

Jeno had arrived exactly at 6pm at the youngers house, and the drive was 30 minutes long, making it now 6:34pm

"Close your eyes" Jeno took jaemins arm, making sure he wouldn't fall.

"I swear to god if I fall I'm going to throw you into the beach, and I know there's one because I hear the sounds"

"Yeah yeah, I don't mind a midnight swim" and Jaemin blushed again.

"We're here" Jeno slowly told Jaemin to open his eyes.

Jaemin's face screamed 'surprised' and his eyes teared up a bit

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Jaemin's face screamed 'surprised' and his eyes teared up a bit. No one had ever done such a thing for him. Yes, he's been on dates before but no one had ever put so much thought in it how Jeno had.

"Do you like it?" Jeno softly questioned while making eye contact with the younger. He was now scared of Jaemin not liking it, and that what he made was too much for a first date.

"I love it Jeno" and Jaemin threw himself on Jeno. It was the first ever time they hugged, something that had never happened before. Jaemin's hands were around jeno's chest, his head cuddled in the crook of his neck, and jeno's hands around jaemin's waist.

"I'm glad" Jeno's voice was full of happiness, his hearts beating fast from jaemin's presence, and his warm bear hug.

After they hugged they decided to finally sit down, as Jaemin asked a question.

"How did you know I love picnics?" Jaemin was like one of the biggest picnics lovers out there. He always used to make one with his friends on his birthday or other special occasions.

"For starters I love picnics too, and I asked Haechan" Jeno confessed, Haechan was actually really helpful.

"He spilled everything didn't he?" Jaemin was actually scared that Haechan told his whole life to Jeno.

"He was about too, but I just told him I wanted to know what you liked, If I ever get to know about your life then I wanna hear it from you not from someone else"

Jaemin was sure he was gonna end in cardiac arrest.

(A/N): I have 40 chapters written and idk how to end the book. Happy or sad ending?

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