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* ✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧ *

The party went on and on, pizza boxes everywhere alongside beer bottles and other alcoholics

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The party went on and on, pizza boxes everywhere alongside beer bottles and other alcoholics.

Renjun, Haechan, Jisung and Felix where already drunk, while Mark and Jeno had just drank some beer's, and Jaemin had a higher tolerance than everyone else.

"Let's do karaoke!" Haechan screamed, going to the karaoke machine.

"I'll go first! Me first!" Haechan screeched, choosing out his song and starting to sing.

"I see you changed your number that's why you don't get my calls, I gave you all of me, now you don't wanna be involved
Oh, yeah, yeah
I really gotta face it
Oh, yeah, yeah"

Everyone was awestruck, Jaemin knew that his best friend was good, but damn did he sing better when drunk.

To say that Mark was shocked was an understatement, mark was in love with the youngers voice, it sounded like honey, his eyes were only fixed on Haechan, who looked so damn pretty.

"I just wanna be the one
But to you we're already done
Tell me, why'd you have to hit and run me?
Now I'm all alone, cryin' ugly
You broke my heart just for fun
Took my love and just left me numb
Now it's eight in the morning
Hate in the morning (All because of you)"

Haechan then after some more time finished the song, getting applauses from everyone and a big hug from a proud han.

"You sing so good" mark complimented the younger as he sat down.

"I know" Haechan smirked and Jaemin chuckled, yup, that's the Haechan he knew, the only thing is that the Haechan he knows doesn't blush, but his face right now is beet red.

"I'll play Cupid" Jaemin murmured.

That night, Haechan went home with Mark's number on his phone, and Jaemin with jeno's in his.

nono <3
you up?

Yeah, what's up?

nono <3
nothing, just wanted to check up on you

I'm doing alright, but I gotta sleep now
Good night

nono <3

What was Lee Jeno doing to his heart?

(A/N): ୧(﹒︠ ̫ ̫̊ ̫﹒︡)୨ sorry for not updating much, I've been stressed lately

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