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* ✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧ * 

"How did you plan to confess to me?" Haechan asked

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"How did you plan to confess to me?" Haechan asked.

"Are you seriously asking me this instead of answering the question" mark sighed, Haechan could be very annoying if he wanted too.

"it's obviously yes, dummy" and the younger threw himself on mark, hands around the olders neck as they shared a kiss.

"I was actually kinda scared you'd say no" mark nervously chuckled.

"Yah! Who do you take me for? I was more scared that you'd never ask me out!" Mark scoffed at the youngers reply, finding it a bit dumb.

"I'm not the type to lead people on Hyuckie, I just wanted everything to be perfect for when I was supposed to confess"

"The only thing that can make the confession perfect is you being there, so it's already enough" Mark smiled at that, he was lucky to have the younger.


The morning after, Jaemin woke up strained, as he slowly stood up. He went to the bathroom , that was located inside his room, and washed his face, who was still stained with the tears from the night before.

"Nana?" He heard a deep voice calling out for him.

"I'm in the bathroom I'll be there in a second" Jaemin said back, as he quickly dried his face and went inside the bedroom.

"Are you okay?" Jeno quietly asked the younger, as he opened his arms for the younger to snuggle in.

"I'm alright, thank you" Jaemin held the older closer as if his life depended on him. Because maybe it did? Jaemin wouldn't be able to feel alright anymore if the older wasn't besides him, he brought so much comfort to Jaemin.

"Always nana" Jeno smiled, as he kissed jaemins head.

"FUCK!" Jaemin screamed as he literally ran around the room.

"What happened?" Jeno got a little scared.

"ITS FUCKING MONDAY WE HAVE UNI" pure chaos was what happened then, Jaemin went to wake mark and Haechan up, who where all cuddled up in one of their guest rooms, as they all ran around, and Jaemin lent clothes to mark and Jeno, while Haechan had his own drawer inside jaemin's room.

Once they all had finished dressing, they took their last things and Jeno and mark quickly went back to their house to take the backpacks, both hadn't planned on staying the night.

Jaemin took his car and he went with Haechan to pick up Jisung and Chenle, as they went to school. They had only 10 minutes left before orientation would start, as they quickly walked into the gate.

What they didn't expect to see was a sweaty Jeno waving at them, and mark who stood on the stage as the president of the student council (idk how Uni works let's just pretend it how I want too lol)

"I didn't know he was the president???" Haechan exclaimed, why wouldn't mark tell him that?

"Yeah well mark is here since one year already, and he got elected because he's the typical sweet guy everyone wants. Hyuck you should mark your territory because mark is very much wanted here" Jeno said, as he glanced over at his older brother.

"Mhm okay"

The principal of the school made a speech, and then called up for mark.

"Hello and nice to meet you all-" mark had to do a quick stop because of all the girls that were screaming. Not only the freshmen, but the ones from the 2nd and 3rd year too.

"I'm the president of the student council, Mark Lee." Mark then too made a speech, leaving Haechan a little speechless. He didn't think of mark as a good speaker but he definitely proved him wrong today.

After they had finished, they were divided into groups for the tour of the school. Jaemin had ended up with Chenle and Haechan, while Jeno and Jisung were in the same group.

Luckily, mark was tasked to show around exactly jaemin's group.

"Markie, why didn't I know you were the president of the student council?" Haechan curiously asked, as mark wrapped an arm around the youngers waist, forgetting that there where other people they didn't know in the group.

"It's a long story, I'll tell you later"

(A/N): hello 👋 how are y'all doing?

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