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Jeno had to find out what this was all about

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Jeno had to find out what this was all about. He had to.

He already broke jaemins heart, he doesn't have anything left to lose.

Jeno knew his mother. And he knew her well enough to know that there was something bigger behind this big fuss with the Na's.

So he decided to go to a person that he knew wouldn't lie to him.

Jaemin's mother.

When Jeno knew that Jaemin had lessons, he went to his house, and rang the doorbell.

"Who is- oh Jeno! Hi! What brings you here? Jaemin is at school!" Minyoung energetically saluted.

"Uhmm... I actually wanted to talk with you, if it's not a problem" Jeno had always been awkward around older people.

"Of course! Come on in Jeno" she opened the door widely for Jeno to enter.

After he entered, she closed the door again and went to prepare something for the boy to drink.

Now they were seated on the couch, as she asked,

"So? What brings you here?"

"Something.... Something happened between me and my mother" he saw the way Minyoungs eyes changed at the mention of Gaeul.

"What happened?" Her tone was more stern now, not so sweet like before.

"S-she... I-I" Jeno was obviously struggling, so the woman rubbed his back, telling that it was okay.

Why did Jeno feel the warmth of a mother from her? The one he never got from his own mother?

"S-she prohibited to let me see Jaemin, if I do, She threatened to send me abroad" Jeno couldn't hold it in anymore, as a tear escaped his eye.

He felt so helpless. It's been days and he had been doing nothing but crying.

I'm such a crybaby

"Fucking hell" the older woman hissed, scaring Jeno because he didn't think such a nice woman like her could curse like that.

"C-can you please tell me what happened? Do you maybe now why I'm not allowed to see him?"

"You see sweetie..." and so she started explain the fight that they had years ago, but it looks like Gaeul still isn't over it.

Minyoung couldn't understand. Why was she still hung up after so many years? Did she hate them so much, that she'd even take her own sons happiness away?

"I'll talk to her" Minyoung decided.

"No! If she finds out I told someone she-" Jeno couldn't even bring himself to finish the sentence.

"She won't, i know her well enough to know that she'd never have the courage to do such a thing. She's just scared."

"Jeno... thanks a lot for telling me this. I suggest you to fix things with Jaemin though cause it really broke him. If it wasn't for me nagging at him today he wouldn't have gone to school. Please, talk to him. I'll fix things with your mother. I promise" and jeno believed her. Once he was out of the house, he took his car and went to the university, leaving a paper into jaemins locker.

He hoped Jaemin would show up.

But he'd still get it if he wouldn't.

Hey Jaemin,
I know I probably don't deserve another chance. I know I fucked everything up. But can we please talk? It's all I ask for. And if it doesn't convince you, I'll leave you alone
Our spot at 8pm

- your Nono

(A/N): why am I making the last chapters short-

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