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* ✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧ *

"Am I allowed too?" Jeno asked the other

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"Am I allowed too?" Jeno asked the other.

"Listen here Jeno, my mother doesn't have anything against you nor your mom, like they're literally best friends, and she's not home, so I don't have to tell her if you don't want too" Jaemin explained.

"It's okay, as long as I'm not a bother" Jeno sighed, as he continued to drive to jaemins house.

It's not like he didn't want to go, no, he wanted to stay with Jaemin as much as possible, but he didn't want to seem rushed? Or more like he didn't want to rush the younger. Jaemin was his priority since when they saw each other at the age of 13, there Jeno had promised himself to always look after Jaemin, even though he didn't see him, Jeno liked to belive that he was always with the younger.

"Do you want to watch a movie? I have this veryyyy big fluffy blanket; it's so comfy" Jaemin started to ramble as soon as they arrived, Jaemin opening the door and letting Jeno in.

"Sure" Jeno eye smiled.

"I already told you to stop doing that!" Jaemin whined as he ran to the kitchen, preparing some snacks.

"Make yourself at home!" He reminded.

"It's not like I can choose to eye smile or not Jaemin, that's not how it works! And I look like a literal monster If I try smiling without my eyes!" Jeno complained, jaemin's smile made his heart do flips too, but it's not like he openly complains about it, he'd rather see it everyday.

Jaemin then giggled, imagining a funny Jeno while trying to smile without his eyes.

Jaemin then came back into the living room, with two bowls of snacks, and a bottle of cola between his elbow and chest.

Jeno saw Jaemin struggling so he took the bottles and put them on the small table located in the middle of the living room.

Jaemin then muttered a small 'thanks' and sat down next to Jeno, turning on the TV.

"What do you want to watch?" Jaemin questioned, turning his head into jeno's direction.

"Uhmmm I have no idea" the older cluelessly replied.

"What do you usually watch? Like what kind of movies?"

"I like everything to be honest, but I watch series more often than movies" Jaemin then nodded, understanding where the older was coming from.

"Children Movies?" Jaemin's eyes were screaming 'please' he was clearly a sucker for children movies.

"Definitely, Put in frozen" Jeno demanded, as jaemin's eyes widened.

"FROZEN IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE MOVIES!" The light brown haired screeched.

"Who doesn't like frozen?" Jeno seriously asked.

"People with no taste" Jaemin commented, as he put on the said movie.

He then quickly stood up and went to take the fluffy blanket that was located inside a drawer.

He put the blanket over him and Jeno, covering them both. Even though it wasn't that cold outside, blankets are always comfy.

They continued to watch the movie in complete silence, stealing glances at each other from time to time.


"Prince my ass" Jeno sympathies, faking to be serious.

"Yah! Stop making fun of me!" Jaemin groaned, as he hid his face under the blanket, while Jeno was still laughing.

"C'mon watch! The interesting scene is coming up" Jeno said, making Jaemin quickly remove the blanket from his face, concentrating on the movie once again.

He didn't notice how Jeno was staring at him with the fondest look ever

(A/N): Jeno is gonna be the death of me

Double update! Hehe

guys.... I'm Nearly done writing this.... which ship next? I've been working on another Nomin story but I think it's maybe gonna be Markhyuck or fully NCT DREAM

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