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Lee Jeno POV

nono <3
I'm glad, see you on Saturday

Jeno wanted to type a heart in, but he thought that would be too much so he didn't. He hoped he didn't sound unhappy or anything because he was literally jumping around like a teenage girl who got her first kiss.


"Jeno? What are you doing?" Jeno suddenly sat down straight and cleared his throat.

"N-nothing mom, I was j-just watching a movie on my laptop" Jeno's face was very red, as he tried to now show his face to his mother.

"Mhm, okay" Gaeul said as she turned around, Jeno stopping her before she could leave.

"Mom! Uhh I'll be out on Saturday" The black haired male informed.

"With who are you going out?" Gaeul questioned, raising her eyebrow.

"A friend I made recently, his name is yangyang" Yangyang was actually the only other 'friend' Jeno had.

"Mhm okay, don't come home late" Gaeul said as she turned around and left her son's room.

"No promises" Jeno whispered. He wanted to pass as much as time he could with Jaemin.

"Jeno? So? Are you excited?" A black haired male entered his room.

"Yes of course I am; but please never come inside my room again if you just had fucking sex. Please go and take a shower before mom sees you then we can talk" Jeno shot a disgusted look at his older brother.

"Jeno!" Mark blushed furiously, remembering the not so holy things he had made with Haechan before.

Mark then went away, leaving Jeno with his own thoughts.

'Restaurant? Nah that's too boring, Ice Cream? That's too simple, Shopping? I don't know what his economical status is and I don't wanna make him uncomfortable so no.

"Ughh!" Jeno threw a pillow against his door, who had just casually opened revealing a mark, who was welcomed with a pillow in his face.

"Chill lil bro! I didn't do anything!" Mark complained, as he picked the pillow up from the floor and threw it to Jeno.

"What are you so upset about?" Jeno groaned, as he moved a little, making space for mark to lie down near him.

"I don't know where to bring Jaemin for the date" Jeno pouted.

"Where did you and Haechan go for your date?" Jeno questioned his older brother.

"Well, I let him choose, but we went first to the arcade, then he got hungry and we went to eat tacos because he wanted too, then I brought him star gazing" Mark ranted, he was really fond of the younger.

"But don't worry! As long as you're there I think he's going to enjoy it" mark wiggled his eyebrows.

"Mhm, are you going home?" Jeno meant if mark was returning to his apartment.

"I don't know"

"Stay?" Jeno asked.


And they cuddled.

(A/N): soft brother hours

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