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??? POV (years ago)

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??? POV (years ago)

"Minyoung! High five"

"Minyoung! Here!"

It was as if the whole school went with her. There was literally no one that wasn't smitten with her.

I still don't understand what they see in her though. Yes I guess she's nice and pretty but that's all. I'm nice and pretty too but they only see me as her 'minion' I don't deserve this.

For who doesn't know, I'm Gaeul. Minyoungs best friend.

If you guessed right you may have already understood that Minyoung is the popular pretty girl of our high school.

And the pretty girl obviously has the popular boy as her boyfriend.

Na Wongkyung.

Also known as everyone's Dream man.

Mine included.

Yes I like my best friends boyfriend. Got a problem with it?

To be fair, I liked him first but she didn't know so I wouldn't say it's her fault.

But it kinda is though because she never realized how much I was hurting because of them.

"Hey babe" wongkyung came, kissing her girlfriend and making everyone screech.

He then looked at me, and winked also saluting me.

Minyoung did not question the wink, because it's a common thing for wongkyung to do.

He then said that he had to go to his class, so he passed by Minyoung and passed me a white small paper when our hands touched.

I told Minyoung I had to go to the toilet, so she went to her class leaving me behind.

Once I was in the bathroom I locked the door and opened the paper

Hey Babygirl
Meet me after school at the bleachers okay?
- WK

I blushed. I loved the way he called me baby girl, it was a nickname just for us two. He told me he doesn't call anyone else like that, and I believe him.

I went out and made my way to class, just wanting school to end so I could go and meet him.

After school

"Baby? You here?" I called out, once I arrived.

"I'm right here" he smiled. Damn that smile

"So? What did you want to talk about?" I wrapped my hands around his neck

"We have to stop this" my heart broke,


"I was confused about my feelings for a long time Gaeul, but I can't do this anymore. I like Minyoung. I really do. And I can't keep on cheating on her"

"Are you really leaving me for such a whore?" I asked in disbelief.

"A what?"


"I'm what now?" Fuck

"M-Minyoung?" I let out a gasp

"Is that what you think of me? I though we were friends Gaeul!" She cried

"I- we are!"

"Friends my ass" she answered, as wongkyung went to her side.

"Of course! Everyone fucking leaves me for you! It's never me! It's always just YOU!" I said my last words, running away.

(A/N): filler on Minyoungs and Gaeuls story

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