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* ✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧ *

As soon as Jaemin saw that he was nearly at his house, he sprinted even faster

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As soon as Jaemin saw that he was nearly at his house, he sprinted even faster.

He got it without even saying hi to his mom and jumping up to 3 steps on the stairs. He nearly tripped but he still continued running into his room, where he remembered he had left his phone.

He threw the blanket away, finding the phone underneath.

He took the phone then threw the blanket on the bed again, sitting on it.

Now there he was, contemplating if he should even open his phone.

Then, when he decided that it was a bad idea to text Jeno, he remembered what Haechan had told him.

'If you don't do it someone else will'

Jaemin couldn't even stand the idea of Jeno with someone else. It broke him inside, just the sight of Jeno with another lover.

"I can do this!" Jaemin cheered himself on as he opened his phone and went to jeno's contact number.

His hands were shaking but he didn't seem to care, as he very slowly typed the message in.

Before he could even send the text, he received a message.

Fuck he just texted me

Jaemin was panicking, why did Jeno text him now? Jaemin was on jeno's contact, meaning it would result as viewed on jeno's phone, even though the younger didn't have the courage to look at what the other had texted.

'He'll probably just tell me that he doesn't want to go out with me anymore!' Jaemin told himself, as he deleted what he was about to send Jeno, still without looking at the screen.

He couldn't bare to feel rejected. He didn't want the pain.

Yet he knew that he had to get this over with, so with a little tear escaping his eyes, he looked at the screen.

nono <3
Hey Nana, still up for that date?

(A/N): it's a little short I'm sorry :(

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