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* ✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧ *

TW! Mention of depression and mental illness! Please skip if you're uncomfortable with it

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TW! Mention of depression and mental illness! Please skip if you're uncomfortable with it

Minyoung POV

"Gaeul? Open up we gotta talk" I knocked on her door.

She came to the door and opened it. As soon as she saw that I was there she closed it again.

Before she could completely close it I put my foot in, so that she couldn't close it.

"What do you want?" She hissed. To be honest she looked like shit. Makeup smudged, baggy clothes full of food stains.

When she came back, we decided to let what happened in high school be the past. So we became friends again, and now I'm angered about what she did with our children.

"Let's talk"

She just rolled her eyes and let me in. I got seated on the couch and waited for her to join me.

End of POV

"So?" Gaeul sat down, not caring to even spare a glance at her 'friend'

"I'll go straight to the point"

"Why the fuck is Jeno not allowed to see Jaemin?"

"He told Jaemin? That rat! I'm going to-"

"You aren't going to to anything! Cut the shit and tell my why you're doing this. why are you doing this to your own fucking son?!" Minyoung snapped.


"HE LEFT BECAUSE HE KNEW JENO WASNT HIS SON! You fucked with Junhan when you were with wongkyung, AND while he was cheating on ME on ME!" Minyoung screamed.

"You don't deserve to have such a nice son, and you definitely didn't deserve Junhan nor Wongkyung even though their both motherfuckers!"

"I deserve everything! EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING!" Gaeul screamed, ripping on her hair

"You're Sick"

Suddenly, the door busted open, and the police came flooding in.

"W-what?" Was the only thing Gaeul managed to say before they took her out.

"Who called y-you?" Minyoung asked a female officer.

"He did" she pointed at a boy behind them.

And how the fuck did minyoung manage to not see the black haired boy? The one who had streaming tears down his face?

"J-Jeno! W-what?" The woman was confused.

"I-I knew that she w-was sick- yet I never told anyone and pretended that she wasn't, b-because I didn't want to e-end up al-one"

"Oh Jeno" Minyoung hugged the boy.

"I'm here for you okay?"

"Miss, I'm sorry for interrupting but I would like you to come with us for some questions" the female officer came again.

"Okay" Jeno just nodded at the older woman, as he went with them.

After hours of talking and analyzing, Miss Lee was diagnosed with depression and they even saw scars on her full arms.

She will receive the right treatments for it, and Minyoung offered Jeno to stay with them. Jeno nicely declined; he still had his Appartement after all.

Jeno then remembered that he had to clear up things with Jaemin so he excused himself and ran.

It was 7:30pm now and the spot was pretty far so Jeno moved his ass.


It was exactly 7:56 when Jeno arrived, he sighed and sat down once he saw that Jaemin wasn't there.

What if he wouldn't come though?

They were done. If Jaemin didn't show up, it meant that Jeno would never have a chance with him again.

C'mon Jeno think positive!

Easier said than done.

"J-Jeno?" He heard a voice call out.

"You came?" Jeno sounded surprised.

"I want an explanation"

"Sit down" Jeno said.

He patted the seat next to him, and watched how Jaemin sat down.

"So...." Jeno started.

Jaemin just nodded signaling him to continue.

"My mom told me to stay away from you, she threatened to send me abroad if I didn't stay away from you, and I built up a life for the first time. For the first time in my years of living, I had friends, a home and a school to go to, so I tried I really did. But I missed you so fucking much, I felt like a stranger without you."

"T-then why are you here talking with me?! I don't want you to go away!" A tear escaped jaemin's eye.

"It's okay now! M-my mom well... she was diagnosed with depression... and the doctors think there's something more, but I wasn't listening to them. I was just thinking about talking to you, so I don't really know what's going on with my mom, I just know that she isn't alright. I just hope she'll get better and realize her mistakes."

"I-I'm sorry Jeno" Jaemin said, as he threw himself in jeno's arms.

"Why are you sorry?" Jeno chuckled, finding the younger adorable.

"Because I jumped to conclusions! Very dumb conclusions" Jaemin whined.

"What conclusions?" Jeno raised an eyebrow, if Jaemin would've seen it he would have told the older that he looked hot, but he was still hugging Jeno so he didn't see anything.


Jeno wasn't satisfied with the answer, as he started tickling Jaemin.

"S-stopp! AhHh Oka-y I-I'll tell yOu!"

"Good boy" Jeno stopped tickling him, and patted his head.

Jaemin growled in response, hitting jeno's arm away.


"Ithoughtyouleftmeforsomeoneelse" Jaemin quietly said.

"What do I have to do to make you understand that you're the only one I ever wanted?" Jeno sighed, grabbing jaemins face with his hands.

He carefully stroked jaemins soft cheeks, as if the other was made out of porcelain, scared to hurt him.

The look that Jeno was giving him made Jaemin understand. It really did, but what Jeno did after shocked him to say at least.

Jeno smashed his lips against Jaemin's.

(A/N): 👀

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