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* ✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧ *

The boys had started eating some snacks that Jeno had brought with him

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The boys had started eating some snacks that Jeno had brought with him. He cooked them himself and learned how to make them just for Jaemin.

They had talked as if they knew each other since forever, the warmth they felt with each other amazed them both Everytime. They didn't know each other at all, yet everything seemed so familiar, in a good way.

"Let's play 21 questions!" Jaemin suggested, he wanted to get to know Jeno more, and why not use a classical method?

"You're childish I see" Jeno smirked, he was teasing him.

"Hey! It's funny to play it when your drunk" Jaemin playfully slapped jeno's arm.

"Are we drunk?" Jeno made a fake clueless face, making Jaemin giggle.

"I don't understand why people call you unfunny, it doesn't make sense to me" Jaemin commented. Jeno had told him before how people call him 'nojam' because he's not funny, but in jaemins opinion, he's hilarious.

"Mark hyung said that only my soulmate will ever find me funny" Jeno smiled, looking at the horizon.

Jaemin blushed, soulmate it sounded so right. But in what way did Jeno mean it? In a romantic or platonic way?

Jaemin hoped it was the first option.

"Okay let me ask the first question!" The younger enthusiastically exclaimed.

"When's your birthday?" Jaemin went for simple first, I mean, he didn't know anything about Jeno.

"April 23th 2000"

"I thought you were older but we're born in the same year!" Jaemin then lied down on the blanked Jeno had put on the sand, Jeno following right after, making their shoulders touch.

"When's yours?" Jeno questioned, his head turned into jaemins direction.

"August 13th"

"it was after the party and you didn't tell me???" Jeno was sad, he couldn't give a present to Jaemin nor wish him happy birthday.

"It's not like we talked much that day Jeno, plus we weren't that sober either" Jaemin reasoned, he had a point.

"My turn! What's your favorite color?"

"Blue" Jeno answered.

And it went on like this, some people may think it were meaningless questions, but no, they just wanted to know everything about each other.

It were all questions like 'what's your favorite hobby' or favorite food, until Jaemin had decided he would ask a serious question.

He knew he could fuck up everything just with that question, yet he still did it. He wanted to know, and he hoped Jeno would answer and not get mad.

"Why wasn't I allowed to see you? Why did you tell me to not tell anyone that night at the park?"

(A/N): drama or not?

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