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* ✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧ *

Jaemin responded with the same passion, as they kept on kissing

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Jaemin responded with the same passion, as they kept on kissing.

"Do.. do you believe me now?" Jeno asked, out of breath.

"I... I-don't know maybe if you do that again?"

"You're getting bold, I see" Jeno then kissed the younger again, much to his likings.


"Yes Nono?"

"I planned on doing this in another way... but since we're here... would you like to be my boyfriend?"

Jaemin's face then turned serious, scaring Jeno.

Was he going to get rejected?

The younger then burst out laughing, "you should've seen your face! Of course I'll be your boyfriend!"

Jeno sighed in relief, putting a hand on his heart.

"You seriously scared me" Jeno whined, hugging the boy out of happiness.

"Well- sorry but your face was worth it" Jaemin chuckled, squishing Jeno.

"Let's go somewhere" the older suggested, standing up and holding jaemins hand.

Jaemin then looked up to him and asked; "where?"

"Wherever the Wind brings us"

Jaemin smiled at his poetic boyfriend as he also stood up and started to run, dragging Jeno along with him.

Jeno made a strange sound because of how fast Jaemin had dragged him, now they were running somewhere.

They don't know where, they don't know what time it is. But they don't care. As long as their together, everything will be alright


"sHut the Fuck Upp!! They're back-!" Haechan slapped a hand over marks mouth, kinda hurting him.

"What are you guys doing here??" Jeno and Jaemin said at the same time, after they had entered jeno's apartment.

"Why are you two wet?" Chenle asked.

"It's a long story" Jaemin answers.

Jisung and Chenle were spread out on the couch, renjun was sitting on the floor, book in his hands and Jaemin honestly wondered how he could read so peacefully with all their friends around.

While mark and Haechan.... Well- Haechan's hand was still on marks mouth, and as soon as the older realized, he licked it. Haechan gasped and cleaned his hand on marks clothes. The older groaned.

"So?" Jeno raised an eyebrow, waiting for someone to answer his question.

"We were waiting for you so that you could tell us about how the confession went! So here we are" Haechan exclaimed, jumping onto marks lap and wrapping his hands around the older.

Mark smiled at his cute boyfriend and hugged him back.

"You two are so cute-" Jaemin cooed, nearly crying because of them.

"We're cuter" Jeno commented, nuzzling his nose into jaemins neck.

"EWWW WE ALREADY HAVE TO MUCH PDA HERE WE DONT NEED MORE THANKS" Jisung complained, covering his eyes.

"You sure?" Chenle got a sudden boost of confidence, as he sat on jisungs lap.

"I-i suddenly don't mind PDA"

"Thought so" Chenle laughed, hugging Jisung who's face was beet red.

"E-even my children- I'm going to cry seriously!" Everyone chuckled at jaemins cuteness.

"Let's go shower and then change, you guys can order something to eat" Jeno gave his phone to Haechan, as he went with Jaemin upstairs.

"You can go first, here take this" Jeno took some clothes out of the closet and handed them to the younger boy.

"You sure? We can shower together" Jaemin smirked.

"I-I-" Jeno stuttered.

he quickly recomposed himself and went close to jaemins ear, whispering;

"Now is not the time, maybe when we're alone"

Jaemin was left baffled, as Jeno left to go to the other bathroom, whom they had actually both forgotten about.


Some time later, they both came down, now dressed and clean.

"So, why were you wet in the first place?" Renjun asked.

"We went to a beach and played around" Jaemin answered, as Jeno went to open the door because the doorbell rang.

When Jeno came back, he had bags full of food, making everyone cheer.

"I'm hungry as fuck let's eat"

Everyone sat down and took their food and started eating.

"I can't believe you were watching after 2 after I told you that the movies are shit!" Jaemin complained, after he saw what was playing on the TV screen.

"We were curious about how shitty they were so we put it on" Haechan defended.

"The books are better, read those"

"this reminds me, I found a book that you have to read, there's a movie to it to but you know how I stand to the opinion that the book is always better" Haechan said, while Jaemin nodded.

"Which one?"

"Me before you; I don't think I ever cried that much while reading a book-"

"You have it?" Jaemin questioned.

"Yes! I'll give it to you tomorrow or something"

"Nah not tomorrow, you're coming over at mine later and we'll go to Uni together" mark decided.

"Okay then, I guess I'll give it to you some other time" Haechan didn't even complain to mark about not telling him what his plans were. But why would he? I mean, we're talking about a night at Mark's.

After they had finished eating and watching all 3 after movies, everyone besides Jaemin left, who was offered by Jeno to stay the night.

They cleaned up the living room and went to sleep direct after, too tired to do anything else.

(A/N): 2 chapters left.....

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