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* ✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧ *

"What are your hobbies?" Renjun had directly taken interest in the two strangers and to Jaemins luck, renjun seemed to like Jeno a lot

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"What are your hobbies?" Renjun had directly taken interest in the two strangers and to Jaemins luck, renjun seemed to like Jeno a lot. Like, a lot he was always smiling and always tried to have some sort of contact with Jeno, even though the latter looked clearly uncomfortable.

"Injun are you drunk already? Your being too smiley that's not like you at all" Jaemin awkwardly took renjun into the bathroom, trying to escape from the situation.

"Hey! I was having a conversation over there!" Renjun complained.

"More like you were all over him but okay" Jaemin scoffed as he rolled his eyes.

"Look he's obviously handsome as fuck, so I wouldn't mind dating him and doing some thing with him you know" Renjun wiggled his eyebrows.

"Oh my god you're definitely drunk" yeah the Normal renjun would've dated Jeno for sure, but he was never the type to express his not-so-holy thoughts.

"Here drink some water and let's go over again, but don't invade his privacy okay?" Jaemin ordered.

"Ughhh you're so lame" Renjun then made his way over to the chilling room.

"Thank you for getting him off me, he was a little invading" Jeno said, making Jaemin jump from being scared.

"What the hell! Don't- don't go to people like that you scared the shit out of me!" Jaemin complained, still a little scared.

"I'm sorry" Jeno chuckled, his eyes captivating Jaemin completely. It was as if the world had stopped.

Only you and me

They stayed like that for at least 3 good minutes, just staring at each other's eyes.

Jaemin just thought about how much Jeno had changed, how he would've loved to kiss his cheek when he was smiling, how Jaemin would want to spend a day alone with Jeno, just the two of them.

"Hey nana, would you like to go out sometimes?" Jeno softly smiled, hoping for a positive answer.

"I'd love to" Jaemin then broke out in a big smile.

(A/N):ʕ ﹒︣ ᴥ ﹒︣ ʔ Merry Christmas all! I hope you'll have a great Christmas and new year!

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