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* ✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧ *

"LEE HAECHAN!" A very angry Na Jaemin screamed

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"LEE HAECHAN!" A very angry Na Jaemin screamed.


Yup, it's been one month since the party, and Uni is going to start soon, Jeno and Jaemin still hadn't gone out, and now Jaemin found out that Haechan has been having weekly dates with Mark since the party.

"I-I forgot?" The older boy awkwardly chuckled.

"No, something's up, tell me" Jaemin demanded.

"Ugh fine come on" Haechan then brought Jaemin into his room, since they were at Haechan's right now.

"I- I didn't tell you because y-you know that I don't usually take dates seriously-"

"Yeah you're always like, 'I just wasted time'" Jaemin explained what Haechan always said after he went on dates.

"B-but this time it's different because I think I really like him" Haechan confessed.

Now Jaemin was smiling. His best friend, who was always afraid of loving, had found someone who he could love, and hopefully could get loved back too.

"Tell me why you like him" Jaemin then lied down on Haechan's bed, bringing him down with him. Now they were both staring at the ceiling.

"I guess I love the way he always smiles, the way he's always clumsy and blushes after i compliment him, I love the way he's so humble about everything, and I love the way he looks at me with those eyes, those eyes i always get lost in, and I love the way he acts confident only when we're alone, and the way he treats me as if I was the most important thing for him"

Haechan continued to tell Jaemin everything, while Jaemin was slowly starting to think about what the older was saying.

'Do I like Jeno? No that couldn't make sense, like I don't know anything about him, but his eyes, his smile, his calm personality- shit I want to get to know him better' the light brown haired male thought.

"And you like Jeno"

"WHAT NONSENSE ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!" Jaemin jumped up from his previous lying position as soon as he heard what the older had said.

"Ask Jeno out what are you waiting for? Do you need it written down on your forehead or something? What's taking you so long?" Haechan knew how Jaemin was, but he couldn't understand why the younger hadn't make a move yet, he's one of the most straightforward persons he knows.

"I-im scared" Jaemin quietly murmured.

"Scared of what min?" Haechan softly patted jaemins head.

"I-I haven't seen him in so long, what if he changed? What if he hates me now because I left him? What if-" Jaemin couldn't continue as he got interrupted.

"Stop with all these what if's! Of course he's changed but that's normal! He's all grown up now and so are you! And he could never hate you, first it wasn't your fault that you weren't able to see him, second, I saw the way he looked at you that night, that wasn't hate in his eyes, that was pure admiration" The older reassured.

"He likes you too! So don't wait and ask him out! Before someone else does!"

"Someone else...?" The younger questioned.

"Yes! I heard from mark that renjun doesn't stop flirting with Jeno, and he somehow even got his number!" Don't get him wrong, he loved renjun, but Jaemin and Jeno just belonged together, them and no one else.

"Go Jaemin, don't waste time on your thoughts, take the chance"

And Jaemin was already running out of Haechan's house to go to his own, because he stupidly forgot his phone at home.

(A/N): I want a friend like Haechan q(❂‿❂)p

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