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* ✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧ * 

Jaemin regretted saying it as soon as it came out of his mouth

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Jaemin regretted saying it as soon as it came out of his mouth.

"I-I mean! You don't have to! L-like I don't want you to be u-uncomf-" he wasn't able to finish his sentence as he felt an arm wrap around his waist and a face nuzzled into his hair.

"It's okay" Jeno smiled, Jaemin was able to feel it against his head.

And so they slept, jeno's head nuzzled into the youngers head, while jaemin's head was comfortably in the crook of jeno's neck. Both hugging each other, hoping the other wouldn't hear they're heartbeats.


The next morning, when Jeno woke up, he was welcomed with a sight that warmed his heart in all possible ways.

A cute little Jaemin curled up in his arms, and little pout displayed on his face.

"cutie" Jeno whispered, as he softly caressed jaemins cheek.

"mhghh" the younger one groaned as he slowly tried to move around, obviously failing because of jeno's strong arms around him.

"good morning nana" the black haired smiled.

"Morning" Jaemin replied, as he snuggled even closer to Jeno.

'He's still asleep'

When Jaemin was full woken up, he realized in what position he was with Jeno.

He jumped out of the bed, surprising Jeno, as he ran to the bathroom using the excuse of 'I gotta use the restroom'

Jeno chuckled at the red cheeks that Jaemin had, finding it cute how he always blushed around him.

Jaemin was with his back against the door of the bathroom, taking slow breaths.

'Did we just fucking cuddle' and Jaemin covered his face, he was definitely embarrassed.

"Nana everything alright?" Jeno worriedly asked, Jaemin had been in there for about 5 minutes already.

"Yes, Yes! I'm coming" the younger came out of the bathroom now, asking the older a question

"What do you want for breakfast?"

"You cook?" Jeno questioned.

"Mhm, i usually cook at home" Jaemin hummed in agreement.

"I would probably put the kitchen on fire" Jeno furrowed his eyebrows, remembering how bad he was at cooking. While Jaemin just found it adorable.

"C'mon let's make pancakes"

They didn't expect to have the whole kitchen full of flour

(A/N): I'm bored

And I'm spoiling y'all with so much updates!
Anyways for who's interested, go check my message board cause I posted interesting news 👀

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