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* ✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧ *

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK" Jaemin jumped onto his bed while hugging his big teddy

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"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK" Jaemin jumped onto his bed while hugging his big teddy.

"JAEMIN WHAT HAPPENED WHO DO I NEED TO KILL?!" His mom ran up to the stairs while having a shoe in her hand.

"I- nothing mom" Jaemin who had now realized the situation, began blushing furiously.

"Why are you crying? And why are you so red? Oh my god do you have a fever?!" Minyoung worried.

"No no! I'm okay everything is alright" Jaemin wiped his tears as his face became even redder.

"Mhm, I'm going to be in my room if you need something okay?" Minyoung was not so convinced about how Jaemin was acting, as she slowly went out of the room.

Jaemin then took his phone to check if his eyes didn't deceive him.

nono <3
Hey Nana, still up for that date?

'Shit it's still here!' Jaemin screeched.

"Should I answer? Should I just leave him in read? Should I call hyuck first? Should I delete my number and move to another country?" Okay Jaemin was now exaggerating as he realized what he had just blabbered out.

'Play it cool, Play it cool'

of course! I'd love to :)

'SHIT I JUST SENT THAT' Jaemin realized, as he sprinted downstairs putting on his shoes, and running back to Haechan's house.

There was really no point on going to Haechan now, but Jaemin just had realized he forgot his backpack at Haechan's and he had homework for the day after.

(A/N): short again I'm sorry :(

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