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Jaemin was now an adolescent, he had entered puberty earlier than expected, he's already grown 6cm since last year.

He actually grew up to be a nice and caring child, but also extremely weird and sassy at the same time.

He made a lot of friends and is loved by all his classmates, and he's known for always being nice to everyone.

But today, Jaemin felt overwhelmed. He had to keep his grades up, he had to be nice to everyone, he had to do that, this, then that, a lot of pressure indeed.

"Why do i always need to please everyone around me? Can't I just do what I want too?"

Jaemin spoke out loud. He was now sitting on a bench, in a park near his house. He usually goes there to forget life problems, and to calm down.

"You should think about yourself first"

Dark eyes.

Dark Hair.

Somewhat a tall figure.

There was no way.

Lee Jeno.

"Jeno? Is that really you?" Jaemin asked in shock.

"Yeah, it's me" the older calmly answered.

"W-what are you doing here?" The younger was to surprised to even understand what was happening at that moment. Wasn't Jeno like banned from seeing him? That's what he understood while overhearing his mom and miss Lee talk.

"Walking around"

"U-uh well okay" Jaemin quietly said, now looking down on his lap while fiddling his fingers.

"Have you been doing well?" Jeno asked. Now for the first time making eye contact with Jaemin.

Jeno and Jaemin were strangers. They don't know anything else about each other besides their names. Yet why do those eyes feel so familiar, why does it feel as if they've known each other for years?

They just couldn't take their eyes away from each other's, as if they were meant to be together.

Because that's what they are

"Yeah I'm okay, what about you?" The younger questioned.

"I'm alright, but you don't sound okay" Jeno observed.

"Just stressed that's all"

"Why are you here?" Jaemin continued to fiddle with his fingers.

"I wanted to go out" those eyes again. Those freaking eyes.

"o-okay well it's late now y-you should go" Jaemin said while checking his watch, that said; 19:57 pm

"Don't... don't tell anyone that I was here alright?" Jeno grabbed jaemin's arm, who was already starting to walk away.

"why?" Jaemin wondered.

"J-just don't tell anyone" Jeno stuttered because he had grabbed Jaemin a little to hard, making the younger stand really close to his face.

"I-I have to go now, goodbye jaemin" and he ran away.


(A/N): I painfully hurt my finger today while playing basketball

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