Ashley's full tape

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You couldn't even love yourself so how did you ever expect him to? Ashley, welcome to your tape.

Best friends forever right? I guess we were wrong since you, Jess and Sherri left me behind but this is not about what they did, this is about what you did.

You were my friend who I thought would choose me before anyone else in the world, but I guess I was wrong. I guess I didn't mean that much to you.

I don't even think you realized how much you hurt me, I guess you didn't know since I never got the chance to talk to you because of your guard dogs that always surrounded you.

I always thought it was good that you had them protect you from bad people until I realized one day, that I was the bad people. All because of me mentioning your dead friend.

One thing I never understood was how you could forgive Sherri who was the reason that Jeff died but not me. But I guess that just showed what your priorities were.

You loved him, I get it and it was wrong by me to bring him up so soon but that doesn't excuse the fact that you made everyone turn against me. Even more than before. Now when the boys were being assholes, you just looked and laughed at me. The only time you came to help was when Monty was humping me on prom nigh. It took your boyfriend sexually harassing me for you to intervene.

You know, I can't blame you for not helping me. You were the prettiest and most popular girl at school, helping me would just bring down your reputation.

I really can't blame you for anything that you did.

You're a good person, Ashley. I just think you're scared.

You shouldn't trust Bryce and Monty. They behave like bombs, you never know when one of them explodes.

You never loved him. You could never love someone like Montgomery. You always swore that you did love him but I saw the way you looked at Justin.

Actually no. I don't forgive you. You gave me so much shit for absolutely nothing.

You know, I always commented about the bruises on your body and you always got mad at me.

The first time I saw them I thought "Oh, that bruise looks like a handprint, it looks like her boyfriend is beating her". Oh wait he does.

What's that movie where the guy beats the girl? Oh yeah, 'Bastard out of Carolina' that movie reminds me of you two. Not the molestation part but the beating and abusing part is kinda accurate.

He was hurting you and you got mad at me?

What kind of messed up logic is that?

I'm gonna say it again and I'm going to keep on saying it.

Montgomery De La Cruz is beating the actual shit out of Ashley Bennett.

Maybe I can ruin your life as much as you ruined mine.

I'll see you in hell, Ashley.

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