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When Ashley answered the question that Dennis had just asked, the room went quiet. Literally everyone in the room knew she was lying but they couldn't do anything about it.

"Okay, Miss Bennett, you will be called to testify in a few months.", Dennis informed her as he stood up from his chair to shake her hand.

She shook his hand and nodded. When she walked out of the room, she could finally breathe normally. Ashley couldn't believe that he would ask her a question about her relationship.
Her and Monty's relationship had nothing to do with Hannah.

She started to look around for her boyfriends Jeep when she remembered that he said that he was going to practice before he abruptly left. He was probably still there with Bryce.

Ashley decided to walk to school so she could meet up her boyfriend there. She walked into the gymnasium where the baseball team were practicing.

"Zach said that he's testifying in like six months or something.", Bryce informed Monty as he hit the baseball.

"I have to play loving boyfriend for six months?!", Monty exclaimed as he watched Bryce groan over his hand.

"It almost sounds like you don't love her, buddy.", Bryce teased him.

"I do love her, it's just that.... she called me soft.", Monty sighed as he hit a ball.

"Really?", Bryce laughed at him.

Monty silently nodded.

"I think you're good now since I've come to realize that she's probably too smart to say anything in court anyways.", Bryce said.

They kept on hitting the baseballs for a few minutes.

"All I'm saying is if you throw like you threw in divisionals last year, we'll be fine.", Monty reassured him.

"Yeah. I'll be fine. Never be Jeff Atkins though.", Bryce said and fixed his grip around the bat.

"I fuckin' miss that guy.", Monty sighed.

"He was a good dude."

"Ahh! Fuck!", Bryce groaned in pain as he hit the ball.

"Shake it off, man. It's just rust.", Monty said as he hit another ball.

"Nah, I fucked up my hand last night.", he took off his glove and chuckled as he showed his hand to Monty.

"Jesus! Who'd you hit?", he asked as he looked at the bruise.

"Ahh, just the wall.", Bryce scoffed. He lied. Clay had come to his house the other night and confronted him about being a rapist so he decided to beat the living hell out of him. You know, just in case, he would say something.

"You gotta watch that temper, bro.", Monty said smiling.

"You telling me to watch my temper is like fuckin' Justin Foley telling me to lay off the weed.", Bryce scoffed and put on the glove again.

"Where is that guy anyways?", Monty asked.

"No clue.", Bryce said as he shook his head.

"Look who it is!", Bryce yelled from across the gym so that basically every guy turned around to see her.

She gave Bryce an awkward smile as Monty ran up to her and gave her a hug. He looked very attractive with his baseball shirt that was hugging his muscles perfectly, the helmet was a turnoff but he still looked hot.

"How'd it go?", he immediately asked her.

"It was fine, they didn't ask that many questions.", she answered vaguely as she saw in the corner of her eye that Bryce was looking at her. She also saw Zach looking at her so she waved at him and gave him a soft smile.

"What are you doing?", he snapped at her and walked closer to her.

"I..I'm just waving at him, Monty.", she said and took a surprised step back. She had gotten used to 'nice' Monty and immediately felt the old fear coming back.

"What have I said about seeking for attention from other boys?", he asked and looked deep in her eyes.

"I'm not....", Ashley answered quietly as she quickly looked away, she couldn't look in his angry eyes for too long.

He slowly took her wrist so no one would react and grabbed it hard. She started wincing because of the pain, he was too strong for her. She couldn't get away.

"Heyyyy, brother, let's calm down.", Bryce said as he patted Monty's shoulder.

That was the first time that Ashley was happy to see Bryce. Her boyfriend was very close to snapping and Bryce just saved her from it happening.

Monty looked at his friend and just like that, he was alright again. He wasn't angry anymore and he even gave his girlfriend a hug, not noticing how incredibly stiff and scared Ashley was.

"Your girl looks like she wants a ride home.", Bryce said while smirking as he looked her up and down.

Ashley chuckled uncomfortably and looked at the ground so she wouldn't have meet Bryce's eyes.

"Yeah, come on, I'll drive ya home.", Monty said and put his arm around her shoulder.

She gave him a smile and walked outside with him, she could literally feel Bryce's eyes on her ass.

They sat down in the Jeep and Monty started driving.

"I wasn't hitting on Zach, I was just saying hi to my friend.", Ashley started explaining out of nowhere, she saw that Monty's grip around the wheel hardened.

"I don't like it, Ash. You know that I don't like it.", he said with a very serious voice.

Ashley reacted on the nickname. She hadn't been called Ash in a long time. A very long time.

He stopped the car outside of her house and immediately got an angry look in his eyes. When Ashley turned around to see what he was looking at, she saw him. Zach. Standing outside her house.

He must have speeded to her house if he got there faster than they did. Ashley looked at her furious boyfriend and quickly got out of the car and started walking towards the boy that was standing outside of her house.

"Zach? You shouldn't be her-", she went quiet when she saw that he had cried.

"It's Alex.... he shot himself in the head.", he said and started crying again.

"Oh Zach.", she said and hugged her friend. He bent down so that the height compartment wasn't a problem. The 6'3, raven haired boy was sobbing in her arms and made her cry as well.

She could feel her boyfriends look burning through her back.

Comment below!!!

I'm really curious of what you guys think of Ashley and Sam, I'm also curious of what you think of Ashley and Monty's relationship.

Tell me if you think that she should end up with Monty or end up with somebody else. (I already have someone in mind ;) )

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