We're done

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"What happened? Did you give him the polaroids?", Ashley asked her boyfriend who had aggressively jumped into the car, leaving Alex.

"Nope.", he said with a straight face.

"You just left him there! What the fuck, Montgomery!", she exclaimed loudly, she had just betrayed her friends because of Monty's lies.

He promised her that he would change, he would never change.

"You don't get to talk to me like that! You embarrassed me over there.", he raged and hit her over the cheek with the back of his hand, barely keeping his eyes off the road.

She gasped because of his sudden outburst and looked out of the car window with tears in her eyes.

"Fuck!", he exclaimed and hit his steering wheel a couple of times.

"Now they all know!", he said loudly and looked at her angrily.

"They already knew.", she mumbled and touched her aching cheek.

"What did you say?", he raged and started bumping his fingers on the wheel, a nervous habit of his.

"I said, that they already knew... all of them. It's not that hard to miss.", she muttered, she didn't feel like having this conversation, she just wanted to be with her friends.

"Drive me home, please."

She didn't get an answer but she knew he was taking her home. Monty also knew that he wasn't sleeping at her place tonight since he had just betrayed all of her trust.

When they finally got to her house, Ashley tried to leave without saying anything but immediately got pulled back into the car and gave her boyfriend a hesitant kiss.

She had barely walked through the front door before Clay, Tony, Jess and Sherri knocked on her door.

"What's up?", she smiled at them, desperately trying to see if they were angry at her.

"It's about Justin.", Jess said and looked at her with an worried expression, she didn't look angry at all.

"What about him?"

"He got arrested for helping Bryce.", Sherri explained and kept her eyes on Ashley's red cheek.

She felt like she couldn't breathe, she felt like the room was closing in on her.

"I fucked up so badly and I didn't even get to tell him that I was sorry.", she whispered.

This wasn't happening. Justin couldn't be going to fucking jail...

"He knows... he knows that you're sorry.", Jess said and also noticed her cheek. She leaned forward to touch it but Ashley jerked backwards.

"It's fine. I'm fine.", she mumbled, not looking any of them in the eyes.

"We left you with him for like two hours and he has already hurt you!", Clay angrily sighed.

"He's just upset... you know, he didn't really appreciate it when we surrounded him and threatened him.", she said and looked away from them.

"You're still fucking protecting him!", Clay exclaimed and clenched his jaw.

"You don't know shit, Clay! You don't know fucking anything about our relationship! Not one bit!"


The next day when Ashley finally came to realize the seriousness of Justin's situating, Monty still somehow managed to drag her to school, if Bryce was there, Monty also needed to be there.

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