Old friends

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She was walking together with the usual group which contained Bryce, Zach, Monty, Scott, Andrew and some other boys that she didn't know the names of.

The group were standing at their usual spot when Ashley finally saw Jess and Alex walking in the hall, visibly uncomfortable by all the looks.

"Don't wait for me."

She quickly broke free from the group and walked up to the nervous girl and the boy with the cane.

She hugged Jess tightly and gave Alex a soft hug.

"I won't break.", Alex said and looked at the smiling girl.

"Can't be too careful.", Ashley joked.

"God I've missed you two.", she added while sighing.

"You look different.", Jess stated while trying to figure out what was different about her best friend.

"It's my hair. I dyed it, I decided that a needed a change.", Ashely said and touched her now dirty blonde hair.

"It looks nice.", Jess decided and gave her a smile.

"Yeah, I like it.", Alex agreed, clinging to his cane.

"Everyone's looking at us.", Jess added and looked around.

"Yeah, we're a weird trio.", Ashley laughed and also looked around to see that everyone was staring at them.

"You two are pretty and sad. People love that.", Alex said

"You have a cane and a scar. All my scars are inside.", Jess implied.

"We're definitely going to hell for joking about this.",  Ashley chuckled.

"Ashley, my friend. We're in hell already. I plan to look like I'm enjoying it.", Jess said and put a lollipop in her mouth as she started walking.

Ashley started walking with her friends when she bumped into another girl.

"Fucking hell."

"Look where the fuck you're going."

The two girls both slowly turned around since they both recognized each other's voices. Sherri.

"Oh my god!", the two girls shrieked and gave each other a tight hug.

"I've missed you so much!", Sherri exclaimed as she pulled away.

"Oh my god, Jess is here!", Ashley loudly said while pulling Sherri towards the smiling Jess.

When they had talked for a bit, Zach came and started helping Alex with his books, Monty and the others had gone somewhere else.

"I'll take that.", Zach said and pulled off Alex's backpack.

"I can carry my own books.", Alex said annoyed.

"Well, clearly you can't, so let me help, don't be a dick and welcome back."

"Thank you!", Jess answered as she opened her locker.

"I meant to ask you guys about my note.", Alex said.

"What note?", Sherri asked curiously.

"My suicide note.", he answered and started bringing up a paper.

"Jesus, put that away.", Zach exclaimed and tried to take it from him.

"It's not radioactive.", Alex defended himself.

"No, I know, it's just... we're not allowed to talk about suicide.", Zach explained as he looked around to tell if someone saw them.

"Or you. Or Hannah.", Ashley filled in.

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