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"Where do you think he is?", Justin asked while he kept his eye on the kids chasing each other.

"I don't know and I literally couldn't care less.", Ashley scoffed and laid her head on his stomach. Who fucking cares that Bryce is missing?

"Your boyfriend cares.", he muttered and looked at her. Even after their kiss at prom, Ashley couldn't bring herself to break up with Montgomery, she was too scared. Justin knew this but would still throw snarky comments sometimes.

"Stop, this whole thing is a fucking mess for me. I'm literally cheating on my boyfriend with you.", she said loudly.

"Well, do you know how hard it is for me? I see you in the halls every fucking day and I can't hug you or kiss you because not only would he kill me, he would kill you.", he sighed as she removed her head from him.

"I'm a fucking cheater! I'm cheating on him.", she emphasized at the word 'cheating'.

"Yeah, with the better man.", he muttered and looked at the children again. "You're making me feel really fucking shitty right now.", she said quietly and looked at the ground.

"Hey... I'm sorry, it was uncalled for...", he apologized and grabbed her hand.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm just really nervous because Monty is angry all the time now that Bryce is gone and that Zach became team captain.", she sighed and laid her down on Justin again.

"We could ask Ani about Bryce, if we really wanna know.", she added and looked up at him with a smirk.

Ani and Ashley had became pretty good friends. The first time they met was when Jess and Ashley were arguing with the whole honor board about how everything is the athletes fault.

She had told them afterwards that they should create a campaign that supports girls at the school. Ashley was apart of it for a few days before Monty found out and gave her a beating.

"What the fuck is this campaign?", he asked and stepped closer to her so that she could practically feel his breath on her forehead.

"It- it's just a campaign that supports the girls.", was all she managed to say before she got thrown against the wall and a fist collided with her cheek.

Jess was a good friend and understood the reason when she told her she needed to leave the campaign that they had worked so hard at. Ani, on the other hand, did not understand and felt left out when they didn't want to tell her.

Ashley later on felt bad and told her about everything , she wasn't surprised but she said that she was there if Ashley ever needed to talk.


When Ashley was walking to class with Monty, she saw that Clay was being led out from the school by the police. Ani locked eyes with her and basically told her that they needed to talk.

"Did you see that?", she stopped and asked her boyfriend. He just ignored her, grabbed her arm and made her walk again. She didn't bother asking again, fearing that he might get mad.

Seeing Tyler, Clay and Justin walking into the school made her heart ache. She hadn't seen Tyler since the Saturday's attempted shooting and she saw on the very nervous boy that he hadn't planned on going to school.

"Look who's back.", Monty chuckled mischievously and walked straight towards them. Ashley ran after her boyfriend in fear of what he might do.

"Hey Tyler, welcome back buddy.", he smirked and patted his shoulder. She could literally see how terrified Tyler was. She locked eyes with Justin before she ran after Monty.

"Why would you do that?", she asked loudly and slapped his arm to gain his attention. He turned around slowly, looked at her and released a sigh.

"Why the fuck do you care about that fucking freak?", he asked calmly, the calm in his voice was obviously fake.

"I'm just saying. You didn't have to do that, you've already messed with him.", she said softly, backing up.

Ashley wondered why the police were questioning Clay, it wasn't like Bryce was dead and they needed someone to blame...

Monty realized pretty quickly that he was the new leader now when Bryce changed schools, which made him more dangerous than ever since he now had more boys helping him and no one that held him back.

He didn't really care if Bryce was gone, he was just happy that he got the attention that he deserved. The dangerous thing was that he was acting like he always did, he was just as violent but now he had even more power.

She was standing with him by the lockers with the other jocks who always followed her boyfriend around. He had his arm around her but not in the safe, protective kind of way, he had it more like he was holding her in place.

Justin walked past them and she had an unbelievable urge to just kiss him, right there, right now. He looked back at her with a small smile but immediately stopped when he saw Montgomery.

Justin had told her a million times that she shouldn't feel guilty about being in love with him, especially since Monty's acting the way he is. But she still couldn't stop the feeling of guilt, she was cheating on her boyfriend.

No one deserves that, not even him.

It's confusing, loving two people at once. Especially when one of them is awful towards you and the other one makes you feel good but guilty.

She was still in love with Montgomery, no matter what he did but she was also in love with Justin because he made her feel accepted and that she didn't need to keep quiet about her opinions.

It was hard right now but it would get even more complicated...

So the new season is out and I'm on episode 3, I made the mistake to look through twitter so I got spoiled which I'm pretty upset about :(

Get ready for a lot of updates!

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