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Ashley was in a good mood for once, she felt like nothing could ruin her day.

I don't even think you realized how much you hurt me, I guess you didn't know since I never got the chance to talk to you because of your guard dogs that always surrounded you.

She struttered into the hall and saw her boyfriend with his letterman wearing friends. She walked up to them and kissed him.

"You look happy today", Zach stated as he watched Ashley kiss Monty.

"Yeah I'm in a good mood", she answered and smiled widely.

She probably didn't know that her mood was about change real fast.


They quickly turned around and saw Clay standing behind them, screaming at Ashley.

"Clay... what are you doing?", Ashley said, looked around and saw that literally everyone was staring at them.

Clay walked up to her, ignoring the murderous looks he was given by the other boys.

"You could've helped her", he said and then stormed off.

Ashley took a deep breath and turned around to the boys.

"What the fuck was that about?", Monty asked and looked at his anxious girlfriend.

"It's my tape... he's wondering why I didn't help Hannah", she said and tried to hide the fact that she was close to tears.

"Let's go to somewhere private to talk", Zach said and pointed at the gymnasium.

"We can't come, we've got some stuff to take care off", Bryce said and nodded at Monty.

Ashley kissed Monty goodbye and walked to the gymnasium with the others.

"He's out of his fucking mind", Justin said and sat down on the benches.

The group that consisted of Ashley, Zach, Jess, Sherri, Alex and Courtney just stood there in silence.

"We played by Hannah's rules. It's not fair if the tapes get out there because Clay went postal", Courtney said and crossed her arms.

"He's not gonna go public", Zach stated and sighed.

"It feels like he might", Sherri said nervously.

"He's just sad, okay? Let him be....", Alex groaned while he put his hand to his stomach.

"Are you getting your stomach things again, Alex?", Jess said and gave Alex a worried look.

"What stomach things", Justin spat out and looked almost offended over that his girlfriend was worried about another boy.

Jess just gave him an annoyed look.

"He loved her and she died. Okay? he's going crazy", Alex continued.

"Just give him a second", Alex added.

Ashley nodded in agreement.

"He's not sad. He's getting revenge ", Courtney said and looked at Alex like he just said something stupid.

"Yeah, well it's not like we don't deserve it", Ashley said and sighed loudly.

She understood why Clay was upset, Ashley was upset as well, she just couldn't afford to show it.

The door was opened and Marcus came marching in.

"Dude you're late", Justin said and glared at him.

"I talked to Tony, he'll take care of it", Marcus announced and looked very proud of himself.

"Tony's a dick", Justin said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"He's not a dick", Zach said before Ashley got the chance to say anything.

"He's a dick, he's a prick and he's a cock", Justin said and looked at Zach.

"Okay, those are the same things", Zach answered and rolled his eyes at Justin.

"Look, Tony's not gonna do shit, we have to take care of this", Justin expressed and looked at the others.

"End that little bastard once and for all", he added.

"That's insane", Jess and Ashley said at the same time.

"I don't know, what if we make it look like a suicide", Justin continued.

"You're crazy, you're actually crazy", Ashley told Justin.

"How tragic is that? I mean, two star-crossed lovers or some shit like that", Justin said and ignored everyone's disagreement.

"One thing. If one thing had gone differently somewhere along the line, maybe none of this would of  happened", Zach said out of nowhere and looked at the ground.

"What's that about huh? "Let's end that little bastard" what the hell is that about, Justin?", Ashley spat out and looked at the angry boy.

"It's about protecting ourselves", he stated.

"From what?", Ashley said loudly.

"From Hannah's lies"

"But did she lie? 'cause I'm really not sure", Alex also joined the heated conversation.

"Because she told the truth about me", he added and walked out of the gymnasium.

Ashley sighed loudly and followed Alex out of the gym.

When she got to the hall, she was so upset and angry. Her good mood from this morning had completely disappeared.

I always thought it was good that you had them protect you from bad people until I realized one day, that I was the bad people. All because of me mentioning your dead friend.

"Ash I need to talk to you", Hannah said as she walked up to the table that Ashley was sitting at, surrounded like always by the jocks. She noticed that Jess and Sherri was watching her from another table since Ashley wasn't allowed to sit by them.

"What?", she answered and thought to herself that Hannah might understand that she is not in the mood for chatting right now.

"Can we go somewhere else?", Hannah asked and looked at the guys.

"Listen, you can say it infront of them", Ashley answered and rolled her eyes.

"Not here Ash", Hannah's voice started trembling and Ashley felt Monty's hand on her thigh like he was trying to tell her not go.

"Hannah seriously, just say it", Ashley said and started to get more annoyed by the second.

"I know what happened to Jeff"

Ashley flew up from her chair and started screaming the most vile things to the now crying girl.

Monty and Bryce had to hold her back so she didn't kill Hannah.

Jess and Sherri ran up to them and tried to calm their friend down.

"Why the fuck would you bring up Jeff, he just died you insensitive bitch", Jess said and glared at Hannah.

One thing that I never understood was how you could forgive Sherri who was the reason that Jeff died but not me. But I guess that just showed what your priorities were.

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