So much more

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The night before had been a weird one. Justin showed up at Ashley's house at around 1am and wanted to talk.

"Justin? What are you doing here?", she asked while she looked at the boy who was standing outside her front door. "I wanted to... uh... hang out?", he answered and looked around his shoulder.

"He's not here, you know?", she said with a little smile while showing him inside. Ashley hadn't even closed the door yet before Justin kissed her. He quickly pulled away and looked at her like he was expecting her to get mad. She didn't.

Instead, she leaned in and kissed him eagerly. They hadn't had a moment like this since Spring Fling so they both were ready for this.

The whole thing ended up in sex. Ashley actually felt good about it, she was a little scared at first since she still hadn't gotten over the whole rape thing with Bryce. She had realized pretty quickly that she wanted to be the one in control, she was afraid that if she let Justin be in control that she would feel like it was Bryce all over again.

"Oh shit, did I do that?", she asked with a shocked expression and pointed towards the obvious scratch mark on his back, he just looked back at her with a smirk. "What are you going to tell people if they see it?", she asked as she pulled the covers over her body.

"I'll say that I met this beautiful, smart and funny girl that made me fall right into bed. Because that's exactly what happened.", he answered with a small smile, put his fingers under her chin and kissed her softly before walking out of her room and going home. Ashley fell asleep with a smile, she hadn't felt this happy in a really long time.

She walked into Liberty High the next morning with a small smile playing on her lips. She immediately saw Clay with Tyler in the halls, everyone that knew about Spring Fling was apart of taking care of Tyler and keeping him from doing something stupid in school. Ashley had been apart of it at first but then realized that it wasn't going to work out since Monty was around her at all times and Tyler did not want to walk with her because of that. It was understandable for Ashley and Ashley only since she was the only one that actually knew why Tyler even thought about shooting up prom.

She walked past them and gave Tyler a smile, Clay was too busy looking at his phone. She started walking towards her locker when someone grabbed her by the waist. She wasn't surprised to see that it was Monty. His dark bruise around his eye still showed just as bright as it did the night he got it. He smiled sheepishly at her and spun her around so she walked right into his chest.

"Hey.", she said and buried her face in his letterman jacket. "Ew, you haven't showered.", she removed her face quickly and watched her boyfriend laugh. "Sorry babe, I literally just got back from working out.", he explained, still laughing.

He put his arm around her and started walking to class. They made it like halfway when Monty spotted Tyler, his mood did a complete one eighty and he quickly walked up to him just to push him against the wall.

"Monty, babe, come on.", she said and tried to remove her boyfriend's hands from Tyler's shirt.

"What the fuck did you do?", he asked and stepped closer to the very scared boy. "No- Nothing.", Tyler stammered and franticly looked between Ashley and Monty. "What do you mean?"

"Guess where I spent four hours last night? The sheriff station.", Monty said and glared at him with a dark look. "Standall had lots of questions about what went on here last year before Brycey left. What'd you tell them?"

"I swear, nothing.", Tyler promised him nervously as Ashley watched his hands shake.

"Good. 'Cause I'd hate to have to teach you the same lesson twice.", Monty whispered and gave him two hard pats on the cheek as he walked away with Ashley.

"Monty! What the fuck? Why would you say that?", she said loudly as she looked at him with disgust. "You didn't tell me about that you spent the night at the sheriff's station.", she accusingly said and crossed her arms.

"Yeah, well, it was nothing, alright? They just asked me questions about my whereabouts when Bryce disappeared, they're probably gonna ask you as well.", he scoffed as he walked into the boys bathroom without a word.

Alex walked into the same bathroom after he greeted her. She leaned on the wall, still disgusted of what her boyfriend had said to Tyler when Jess walked up to her with a big smile on her face.

"Jess, hi.", she said and gave her friend a hug. "Have you seen Sherri yet?", she asked.

"Now that you mention it, no I haven't. She's probably in class though.", Jess answered and went quiet.

"Are you okay, Ash?", she asked with furrowed brows. Ashley nodded with a small smile. "You know I'm here for you, right? Sherri too.", she reassured her as her eyes wandered to someone behind her. Monty.

"Jessica.", was the only thing he said before Jess rolled her eyes at him and walked away. He put his arm around her again but something felt off. "Did something happen in there?", she asked softly. "Just Standall wanting to play man, don't worry about it.", he answered shortly, she didn't really believe that he was telling her the entire story but she decided to leave it be for now.

"Wanna come and watch practice later?"


Ashley had agreed on watching the boys practice. She watched Monty talk to Charlie, the newest member of the jocks and also the youngest. He was a good kid with big heart, unfortunately Monty was probably going to ruin that. Zach walked up to them with his crutches just as Monty got called out to play. Justin later on joined them, she watched the three boys laugh together.

Zach and Justin had made it their mission to keep Charlie as pure as they could so whenever Monty told him to do something bad, they always tried to shut it down as fast as possible.

She felt her gaze drifting towards Justin who was now also on the field. She knew it was wrong but she couldn't help herself. He probably noticed that someone was looking at him so he turned his head towards the bleachers and gave her a smirk before he kept on playing.

There was still some tension between Justin and Monty after everything that happened with the trials. In Monty's mind, Ashley and Justin had only kissed once, but in reality it was so much more than just one kiss...

A pretty long chapter today :)

I just got finished with season 3 and I am U.P.S.E.T, no spoilers here except that even though Monty is a dick, he deserved better :(

Is there someone who still ships Ashley and Monty or is everyone on the Ashley and Justin train? Comment who you like the most and why!

Don't forget to comment and vote!

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