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Ashley was a party animal at heart so even if she didn't feel like partying right now, her spirit would eventually change. Booze always changed her spirit.

She had been laying in her bed thinking about Hannah and Clay ever since she came home from school so it was a big shock when she saw that the time was 7:55pm.

Monty is probably on his way here and he's gonna be pissed if I'm not ready, Ashley thought to herself rushing to her closet to pick out something to wear.

She picked out just a simple tight black dress and black heels. She also sat down in front of her mirror to cover up the worst bruises.

A knock on the door sent Ashley down the stairs to open.

She opened the door to her boyfriend Monty who was wearing a tight blue shirt.

"Hey babe, shiiiit you look good", Monty said with a smirk and watched his girlfriend twirl around.

"Let's go", Ash said and closed the door.

The drive to Bryce's house couldn't have taken more than 5 minutes but when they stepped out of Monty's car, the music was literally pounding from inside.

"Jesus, didn't he say small party?", Ashley said and looked at Monty who just as blown away as she was.

"I believe we might have underestimated how many people would want to party on a Wednesday", Monty said and put his arm around his girlfriend.

"Shit that's a lot of people right?"

"Come on Ash it's Bryce's party, of course a lot of people are going to be there", Hannah answered smiling.

When the schools most popular and probably most infamous couple walked inside of Bryce's doors, everyone stopped to look at them.

"Alright, keep on doing what you're doing", Bryce said and pushed some drunk teenagers out of his way to greet his best friend and his girlfriend.

"Ahhhh so you came", Bryce said and looked at Ashley up and down.

Ashley felt uncomfortable and just answered "Of course".

"Okay, the booze is where it usually is and Justin, Zach, Jess, Sherri and the others are outside so come and join us when you're done", Bryce said and walked outside.

Monty grabbed a big vodka bottle completely ignoring his girlfriends raised eyebrows.

"Come on babe, let's go outside", he said and grabbed Ashley's hand.

They walked outside to greet their friends who were sitting down in a circle. Ashley tried to sit down in between Jess and Sherri but felt Monty's hand pulling her away from them. She saw Jess and Sherri's looks but decided to ignore them and sit on Monty's lap instead.

Ashley knew exactly why Monty didn't want her to sit with the girls

He was afraid that Ash would tell her best friends about how he treated her.

"Look at them, they are the actual defintion of toxic", Sherri said.

Jessica and Sherri were spying on the couple that were having a heated argument outside the school.

"I know but she was the one who chose him and now it's too late", Jess answered and looked at Ash.

"I can't help that I care about my dead fucking friend Montgomery!", the girls overheard Ashley scream at Monty.

Monty walked closer to Ashley so she backed into a wall and said something that visibly upset her and then Ash spat out something that made him even angrier. He punched the wall several times and then stormed off.

"Hannah wasn't right about their relationship, right?", Sherri asked and looked at Monty walking away from Ash.

"I don't think so", Jess answered but watching Monty slam the schooldoor open and Ashley burrying her head in her hands, didn't reassure the two girls at all.

After breaking her promise of not drinking on a Wednesday, Ashley ended out on top of a counter dancing.

All the boys were watching her and Bryce were standing in the back with a smirk on his face. Monty didn't like that his girlfriend displayed herself like that infront of everyone and went to get her off the counter.

"Alright, let's get you off the counter", Monty said and took his girlfriend's hand and pulled so she fell into his arms.

"No stop, I'm having fun", Ashley groaned at her boyfriend who was trying to hide the fact that he was very angry with her.

"You're wasted, let's get you home, it's like 3am in the morning,", he answered and carried her outside. Bryce went outside with them.

"Hey if you're gonna do something to her, go behind the house so no one sees you", Bryce said and patted Monty's shoulder.

"Thanks man, is Jessica and Sherri still here?", Monty asked since he didn't want them to see what he was about to do to their best friend.

"I got them outside, you're good", Bryce answered and smirked when he looked at Ashley.

Monty went behind the house and put down his girlfriend who wasn't as wasted as he thought.

"I know what you're gonna say Monty", she said and looked up at her very mad boyfriend.

"You know the fucking rules Ashley, no dancing infront of other guys is one of them!", Monty said and walked closer.

"How am I supposed to remember those rules when I'm fucking drunk, huh?", Ashley had started to slur her words now.

Monty put his hand around her throat and slapped his entire hand over her cheek.

It was hard and fast and almost made her fall over, he grabbed her hair and pulled it back.

"Not again", he whispered at his girlfriend.

He let go of her hair and fixed his own hair and straighten his shirt.

He took his arm around her shoulder and led her to his car.

"Let's get you home".

Ashley sat down in the car and put her forhead on the window and a single tear rolled down her face.

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