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Ashley definitly looked better today since she had spent almost two hours trying to cover up her black eye and bruises. Today everyone was staring because she looked gorgeus. Montgomery De La Cruz girlfriend was known for being close to perfect so it was best that she kept it that way.

The group were indeed right, Clay had gotten the tapes and was walking around the school with a pair of big headphones.

Ashley was walking with Monty and the guys since she wasn't allowed to walk by herself because of Monty's very strict rules.

"Hey, there's Clay... with headphones and a cassette tape player", Zach said and pointed at the boy who Ashley never would of noticed if Zach hadn't pointed out him.

"He has the tapes.", Ashley said and felt her anxiety growing whenever she looked at him.

Sherri and Jessica joined the group to look at Clay walking back to his locker.

"Let's go and rough him up alittle", Monty said and started walking towards Clay with Bryce, Justin and Marcus behind him.

"Monty, no please don't", Ashley pleaded to her boyfriend who definitly heard her but still decided to go up to Clay and pushing him over so he dropped his cassette player.

When the boys came back with big smiles on their faces, Ashley pushed through to help Clay pick everything up.

Monty angrily tried to follow Ash but Bryce stopped him because he also wanted to see what she was going to do.

"Hold on Monty, let's just see what she's gonna do", Bryce said and continued to watch Ashley walking up to Clay.

"I'm sorry about them, they're just assholes", Ashley said and bent over to take up Clay's books.

"Everyone's staring at you", Clay said visibly confused and embarrassed that the schools IT girl was talking and helping him with his books.

"Well yeah, they tend to do that", Ashley said and laughed at Clay being so awkward.

"I know why you're talking to me", Clay said and stood up.

"Really", Ashley answered and gave him his books.

"Yeah, it's because of the tapes", Clay said and looked at her.

"Shh, keep your voice down Clay", Ashley said and looked over shoulder to see if anyone heard him.

"You're afraid of what I'll do when I'm done with them", Clay said and looked at his player.

"What tape are you on?, Ash asked and looked at her friends.

"Justin's", Clay said and glared at Justin who clearly had no idea why Clay was looking at him.

"You'll probably realize when I get to yours and I am very excited to know what fuck you did to her", he said and looked back at Ashley.

"You're on them too, you know"

And with those fast words, Ashley turned away from Clay and walked back to her friends. She could basically feel Clay's stare in her back.

"What did he say?", Marcus asked nervously.

"He's on Justin's tape and he knows that we're worried of what he'll do with the tapes", she said and looked at Justin who let go of his girlfriend just to run his hands in his hair.

"You're not supposed to talk to other boys", Monty whispered in her ear.

"I just wanted to help", she answered to which Monty put his hand on her neck and squeezed.

"I don't give a shit and you know it", Monty whispered and let go of her neck and slapped the back of her head when the group was watching Clay.

"I like him"

"What! Hannah Baker! You like Clay?!", Ashley screamed out in the hall that was filled by students who turned around to see who screamed.

"Shhhhhh you wouldn't want Montgomery to find out you're not in class and with me by yourself", Hannah said and laughed.

"Hannah this is amazing, please date and have babies", she said and hugged Hannah's side.

"Jesus calm down", Hannah said and laughed.

It made Ashley sad, looking at Clay. She just couldn't stop thinking about how much Clay and Hannah had liked each other.

Ashley sighed and thought to herself that they really deserved each other and that Hannah truly deserved to be happy.

Monty put his arm around her and the two shared a look.

Y'all coming to my party tomorrow night?", Bryce asked.

"I don't know man, I don't feel like getting wasted on a Wednesday", Ashley said and laughed.

"You don't have to drink", Bryce said and laughed.

"You always have to drink at your parties", Ashley groaned.

Ashley felt a hand on her waist.

"You're coming", Monty simply said.

Shorter chapter today :)

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