He'll never find out.

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Trigger Warning: Rape and mention of rape.

Ashley hadn't been in school for two whole days, she couldn't do it. She must've looked at that picture at least a thousand times, trying to make sense of the situation. She kicked Monty out just for a few days since she needed to be alone.

She always came to the same conclusion. She had been raped by Bryce Walker.

Looking in the mirror, she felt dirty. She felt so dirty knowing that someone else's hands had touched her. She opened up the cabinet and grabbed a pill bottle.

She grabbed about 7 pills and just held them in her hand. If she did it, then she wouldn't have to worry about being scared of Monty or seeing Bryce. But she loved Monty.

"You gonna pull a Hannah?", she turned around to see her boyfriend standing behind her. A blue flannel was hugging his muscles perfectly and his hair was kind of messy.

"Yeah, I'm gonna pull a Hannah.", she scoffed and put the pills on the sink. She ran her hand through her hair and made sure not to look in his eyes.

"What are you doing?", she asked him.

"You haven't been at school and then you out of nowhere, just kick me out.", he said loudly and shook his head.

"I... I needed space.", she tried to say before he interrupted her again.

"What the fuck is happening to you?"

"Something happened! Okay... something happened.", she exclaimed.

"What could possibly have happened to you?", he asked and rolled his eyes. He was annoyed and angry that she just kicked him out without giving him an explanation.

"I was raped!", she yelled loudly. Monty stopped talking, went quiet and just looked at her with a surprised expression.

"I didn't want to tell because I was afraid.", she whispered, her eyes watering up.

"Why were you afraid?", he asked with a soft voice.

"If I told you... then I had to comprehend the fact that it actually happened.", she sighed and let the tears fall down her face.

Monty walked up to her and held her. He rested his chin on her head and she buried her face in his chest. He smelled like cologne and weed.

"Who did it? Tell me whoever it was and I'll kill him.", he whispered softly.

"You won't hurt him, you would never.", she answered quietly.

"Bryce.", she whispered quietly, she felt his arms and jaw tensioning up.

"I'll prove you wrong, I'll drive you to school.", he said and let go of her. She groaned loudly, she really didn't feel like meet people today, especially Bryce.

"I'll take care of you, come on. I promise, I'll deal with him.", he grabbed her chin and kissed her softly. He knew damn well, she couldn't say no.


Monty managed to drag Ashley to school even if it was the last thing she wanted to do.

Whenever her boyfriend touched her, she jerked back. She didn't want anyone touching her, especially not after what happened.

When the couple walked into the school, everyone stopped to get a look of them. He looked very proud over getting her to come with him and she looked tired and broken down.

"What the fuck are you guys looking at?", he hissed towards the students who now were running to their classes. She looked at the floor, embarrassed by her boyfriend.

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