I accept you.

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Monty had been a bad mood for days now, but today... today was something different.

The cops had came to the school to search everyone's lockers since they had found steroids in the river from Bryce's car.

Ashley didn't have a lesson because of this so she was leaning on the wall in the locker room while the cops searched the boys lockers.

The cops pulled out Justin's duffle bag and started searching. Ashley noticed that he looked awfully nervous, he didn't have anything to be nervous about, right?

They pulled out a bag of condoms from his bag and the room went quiet. When Justin glanced at her, the only thing that could be heard was Ashley's intense coughing.

Monty patted her back as she continued coughing. Why the fuck were those still in his bag?

The cops started looking through Luke's stuff, only to find steroids in his bag. The thing was that every boy either was or had been involved with drugs.

Ashley knew that Monty had been involved with drugs, she had even caught him using that time in the locker room. But he had told her for a long time now that he wasn't using as much as he used to.

She did get suspicious though when she saw that he was walking out of the school with a bag in his hand. "You got something to hide?", the officer asked her as he opened her locker.

"No sir.", she answered with a sigh and crossed her arms. The officer started looking through her bag and her books. Ashley was starting to get annoyed by the recklessness the officer had with her stuff. He threw her bag onto the ground and shook the books before he also threw them to the ground.

He picked up one book and then looked at her. "Bennett?", he asked with furrowed eyebrows. She nodded slowly as he continued with what he was doing.

Ashley bent down to pick up her books when he was done. "Don't want you to end up like your brother.", he said before he walked away.

She clenched her jaw and started to pick her books up. She threw everything in the locker again and slammed it shut. Why the fuck would an officer say that?

"Did they find anything?", Monty asked as he walked up to her. "You?", she shook her head and glanced at him, he looked nervous. "Nah, I'm good for now.", he answered and put his arm around her.

School was over so Ashley thought that Monty was going to drive her home like he always did. "I can't drive you today, I need to get home quickly.", he said as he leaned down to kiss her.

"It's fine, I'll walk.", she smiled at him. She watched him walk outside, suspicious of why he just wouldn't say what was in the bag. She knew that he did drugs so what was the big deal?

"Ashley!", she turned around and saw Clay and Ani walking towards her.

"What's up?"

"We think that we might've found some dirt on Monty.", Clay said quickly. "And when you say dirt, what do you mean?", she asked with raised eyebrows. She was willing to believe them but she needed proof first.

"We found some shit in his trunk.", he explained.

"You searched through his trunk?", Ashley asked and crossed her arms. "It was for a good reason.", Ani defended herself, not understanding how they just invaded Monty's privacy.

"We found a ID card in his trunk so we're going to talk to the guy that it belongs to, you wanna come with?", Clay asked as he started walking away.

She thought about it for a few seconds before she followed them out of the school. She sat down in the backseat of Clay's car and started thinking about what she was about do.

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