I love you...

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Ashley was traumatized over what Monty did to Tyler. She wasn't the best of friends with him but still recognized the unbelievable pain that he was in. She had basically been through the same thing.

Monty and Ashley were laying in her bed and she was making sure not to touch him.

"Last prom...", he muttered and glanced at his very nervous girlfriend.

"I don't feel like going.", she whispered quietly.

"Yeah, well, we are. It's our last prom this year, we have to go.", he muttered and rose from the bed, she studied him closely. The grey sweatpants and the black shirt was a good combo but not a particularly good prom outfit.

"Do you still have that tie that you wore last year?", she asked and rolled onto her stomach to look at him, he just shrugged as an answer.


Monty ended up wearing the same outfit that he wore last year and Ashley was wearing a black skirt with a matching black top. He basically dragged her into the gymnasium and stopped at the entrance just to look at all the dancing students.

Ashley was searching for her friends in the crowd and spotted Jess and Alex pouring some non alcoholic drinks into some cups. She tried to linger out of her boyfriend's grip but failed miserably.

"Like you said, it's the last prom, Montgomery.", she said loudly into his ear, nodding towards her friends. He sighed, let go of her wrist and almost pushed her away from him.

"Ashley! You made it!", Jess exclaimed loudly when she saw her best friend, she gave Ashley a tight hug since Jess could tell that she was tense.

"You okay?", Alex asked and looked at her with a worried expression.

"I just want to dance.", she answered, completely ignoring his question. She snatched Jessica's drink out of her hand and drank it all, looked around and saw Clay who had somehow convinced both Justin and Zach to dance.

She smiled when she saw them and started making her way to them, squeezing herself between the drunk students who probably started drinking way before the party even began.

She threw herself into Justin's arms and breathed in his scent. The vague smell of cologne wafted through her nose.

"I'm not drunk enough to hug you guys.", she laughed when she saw Clay's and Zach's surprised expressions.

"Let's fucking dance!"

And they did, they did dance and they did have a good time. What Ashley wasn't noticing was that Montgomery and Bryce were standing by the drinks, having a full view of what she was doing, and let's just say that Monty was not looking very happy, maybe it was the fact that his girlfriend was dancing with other guys or it was the fact that he knew that she never laughed like that with him, who knows?

When Ashley had calmed down a bit, she realized that Justin wasn't with them anymore so she decided to look for him.

She found him by the drinks with no other person than Bryce, the anger that she had pushed away for a few days came rushing back and she stormed off to Justin.

"You okay?", she asked Justin as she threw an angry look at Bryce.

"You guys fucking or what?", he asked loudly and drank from a small flask, probably filled with alcohol of some expensive sort.

"Alright, we're leaving.", she said and pulled Justin to the dance floor, away from him.

"I would be careful if I was you... wouldn't want your boyfriend to see you with him.", Bryce yelled after them.

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