The game

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"You need to calm down", Ashley said and looked at her upset boyfriend. He was very angry about Tyler talking to her.

"How am I supposed to calm down huh?", Monty said and walked back and forth the school hall.

"Look at me, look at me, you need to breathe", she said and grabbed his face.

"This is not ideal, you can't get mad that someone was talking to me", she said and looked in his brown eyes that showed so much emotion.

He pulled away and got close to Ashley's face.

"You don't get to tell me what to do", he whispered and grabbed her arm.

Ashley didn't move and just kept on looking at him, she knew he wouldn't hurt her at school.

You were my friend who I thought would choose me before anyone else in the world, but I guess I was wrong. I guess I didn't mean that much to you.

Clay walked out of class and stared at Ashley.

"What the fuck do you want?", Monty said as he walked past them.

"God, leave him alone", Ashley said and rolled her eyes.

Bryce came out of class and walked up to the couple.

"Hellooooo Ash and Monty", he said and smiled.

"You coming to the game tonight?", he asked and looked at Ashley.

"Of course, wouldn't miss it", she answered and felt Monty's hand on her waist.

You could tell that there was a baseball game since every student was at the field by 5pm.

Except for Ashley who was looking for her boy friend who promised to meet her up before the game.

She went into the boys locker room even though she was 100% sure that there were people in there but she decided to say fuck it and walk in anyways.

She got surprised when she walked in since she couldn't see anyone in there, she was close to walking out when she heard grunts and quiet talking.

She walked in and saw Bryce putting a syringe into her boyfriends ass. Zach and the other boys in the baseball team were also sitting in there.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'll just go", Ashley said and turned around.

Bryce ran up to the door and closed it before Ashley could get out.

"You ain't going anywhere", Monty said while he pulled up his pants.

The boys surrounded her and both Bryce and Monty got closer to her.

She started walking backwards and walked into one of the boys. She began to realize that she wasn't going to get out if this situation.

Monty and Bryce stood next to each other and Monty grabbed her throat so hard that she barely could breathe.

"You're not gonna tell anyone about this", Bryce said and Ashley realized that his regular charm was gone, he was terrifying.

"And if you do, you know what's going to happen", Monty added and got closer to her face.

"I won't say anything, I swear", Ashley answered and looked up at her significantly taller boyfriend. She was too scared to say anything else.

He let go of her throat and kissed her.

"Alright let's go out there and kick their ass!", Bryce yelled so the guys would get pumped up.

Ashley was still shivering but Monty calmed her down with his touch. She noticed that Zach was looking at her with a worried look.

"I'm fine", she whispered when she walked out of the locker room.

When she got outside, she finally could breathe out.

She walked to the field and started looking for Jess and Sherri.

She found her friends and placed herself next to them.

"Hey! Where have you been?", Jess asked and her look immediately went to Ashley's throat.

"Your throat... the bruise is massive Ash", Sherri said and touched her Ashley's throat.

"It's fine, I'm fine, let's just watch the game", she said and started clapping and yelling when the boys came onto the field.

"That's Monty, HEY MONTY", Ashley screamed and watched Hannah turn around by embarrassment.

"You are so embarrassing, literally stop", Hannah said laughing and looked at Monty and the other boys walking onto the field.

Liberty High's Baseball Team won yet another game and now Ashley finally knew the reason why the boys always won.

She ran up to Monty and threw herself around his neck and kissed him.

"You did amazing babe", she said and hugged him.

"We also won maybe we can get a kiss as well", Bryce said as the other boys made kissing noises.

Ashley just laughed and rolled her eyes to the boys immaturity.

Jess and Sherri walked up to their friend and also laughed at the boys.

And for just a tiny moment, Ashley could forget everything that happened in the locker room and finally feel happy even if it was just for a few seconds.

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