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Ashley was sitting on the bleachers inside of the gymnasium, watching the guys work out. She didn't want to be there since it was still early and she preferred to sleep in class but Monty had forced her to come with him.

She was watching her boyfriend lift some weights, she watched his muscles tense up as he squatted down. She wasn't gonna lie and say she wasn't attracted by it because she was. She found herself almost drooling over him.

Spotting Clay and Ani walking into the gymnasium did wake her from her daydream, they walked up to Zach and Justin, told them something that made Justin run away to throw up in a trashcan. Her curiousness got the best of her and she felt the urge to see what they were talking about. She glanced at Monty who was too busy chatting with the other boys that he didn't notice when she walked up to Clay, Ani and Zach.

"What's going on?", she asked and looked at Justin who was walking out of the big building. "They found Bryce's body, he wasn't missing, he was dead this entire time.", Clay explained in a monotone voice.

"Oh shit.", she sighed before running after Justin. He was standing on the football field with his back turned from her. He was groaning and hitting his head with his palm over and over again.

"Fuck!", he yelled loudly.

"Hey, hey, it's okay.", she mumbled as she embraced the grieving boy. She wasn't particularly sad over Bryce herself but she knew how close Justin and Bryce had been once upon a time. Ashley knew that she needed to be there for him.

"Are you okay?", Clay asked from behind them, he had also ran after them. "No, man, I'm not.", Justin sniffled and turned around to face him. "I'm fucking sad."

"You are?", Clay looked at surprised, like he couldn't believe what was coming out of his mouth.

"Yeah, I've known him since I was eight. He was the first person that gave a shit about me, the first person to look after me, man. He was my fucking brother.", he started crying again, receiving a hug from Ashley again.

"I feel like he didn't look out for you, though.", the skinny boy said, still looking rather confused.

"Dude, you don't know what you're talking about. Okay, Clay? You don't know everything. You knew what you knew. He was a fucking person. A human being.", Justin said as he walked up to him, it did kinda hurt for Ashley to hear him say that. Justin was one of the few people that knew what had happened to her. What Bryce did to her.

"And now he's fucking dead.", was the last thing he said before walking further onto the football field. He needed some alone time now that he was grieving.

"He was a piece of shit, I don't know why he's defending him.", Clay sighed and turned to her. "I don't think he's defending him, I just think he's really sad.", Ashley responded as she walked towards the gym again. If she was lucky, Monty wouldn't had noticed that she was gone.

He didn't. But he saw when she walked inside with Clay. He walked up to her with no emotion showing on his face but she knew that he was angry.

"Why are you walking with Jensen?", he asked with an awfully low tone. "We were just getting some air. I promise.", she added when she saw his eyebrows rise. Monty decided that it wasn't worth acting on since there was a lot of people around that didn't need to see what was going on in their relationship behind closed doors.

After Monty was done with his workout, they walked to class together. Ashley always liked second period because it was almost the only class she together with Jess. When the couple walked into the room, Jess smiled at her friend and completely ignored Monty.

Ashley sat down next to her while her boyfriend sat down a few seats further back with the other guys. Before the teacher started talking, an announcement in the PA could be heard.

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