I hate you

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"Is it Zach's turn today?", Ashley asked her boyfriend that was laying next to her in her bed. He had slept at her house and was probably going to stay at there for a while.

"Yeah, he was really nervous. He must know something we don't.", Monty answered and looked at his phone.

"Why would he know something?", she asked him as she put her hand on his bare chest.

"He's been acting strange lately.", he said and rose from the bed.

"Whatever, I bet it's nothing.", he added and pulled her out of bed.


She was sitting in the cafeteria with Monty, Bryce, Chloe and Scott.

"I mean, yeah, he's good in bed.", Chloe said and pushed Bryce's arm.

Ashley choked on her water and Monty made a gag sound which made everyone laugh.

She realized that the whole cafeteria suddenly went quiet and when she turned around to see why, she saw him.


Justin was in the cafeteria talking to Jessica who was seemed to be not be phased that he was there.

She slowly rose from the bench and let out a shaky breath.

Justin heard her footsteps and turned around to see her walking towards him.


When she looked into his eyes, she felt all her old anger rushing to the surface again. Begging for her to let it out.

"I told you to come back! You left me Justin! Why did you fucking come back!?", she screamed as she lunged forward and starting attacking him. He didn't move and just let her hit him over and over again.

Monty and Scott quickly ran up from the table and tried to hold her back.

"I hate you, Justin Foley. I fucking hate you.", she cried as she continued to fight, ignoring the boys that tried to keep her away.

Monty pulled her into a tight hug and let his girlfriend take out all her sadness and anger on him instead. Even if she kept hitting and screaming at him, he kept on holding her and telling her that everything's was going to be okay. She couldn't see that he was smirking towards Justin just to mock him.

"I'm sorry...", she heard Justin say as he walked away. She pulled away from her Monty to see him walk away.

Bryce also rose from the bench with an angry look on his face and when Justin saw him, he just fell to ground.

Ashley gasped and tried to go and help him but immediately got pulled back by Monty. Tony and Clay helped Justin up and led him out of the cafeteria.

"Jess?", she said with a shaky voice when she saw her friend. Jessica walked up to her and hugged her, totally ignoring Montgomery's hard look.

"It's okay, I see how much you care for him. I don't mind it.", she whispered in her ear and gave her another hug.

The group sat down at their table again and everyone in the cafeteria started talking again. Ashley was sitting in between Scott and Monty, Chloe noticed how shaken she was and leaned over the table to hold her hand. Ashley gave her a soft smile.

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