It's nothing. Get over it.

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"I think he has a gun on him.", Clay whispered. He and Ashley were sitting next to each other in class, keeping an eye on Tyler. "That's crazy...", she mumbled as she watched him opened his backpack to get a pen.

"We have to keep track on him today.", Clay said and looked at her. "I can't, you know I can't.", she whispered and fidgeted with her pen.

"You don't have to walk with him, I know Monty won't accept that but if you could just look after him then that would be great.", he suggested. She nodded hesitantly.

She knew that Tyler was in more danger than ever if he went with her. But one thing she could do was to look after him while he wasn't paying attention. She knew that Monty still scared him and with good reason since he was still an absolute dickhead towards the nervous boy.

After class, she walked with Monty, Charlie and two other guys that she hadn't learned the names of yet. Even though she couldn't physically walk with Tyler, she could still look after him in the halls. They were walking towards the next class when they met Tyler, he dropped his books the moment he was them and just stared right through them, he didn't even care when Monty stood right in front of him. 

Ashley had no doubts when it came to Tyler being able to kill someone, she just didn't think he was able to do it right now. He seemed too broken.

She was pretty annoyed that she wasn't able to go to any of the meetings that Clay usually held about the boy that they were taking care of. She always missed out on important information and some time to hang out with her friends even if it was only for a few minutes. 

Tyler seemed to like her since she had always been nice to him. She never saw a reason to be mean to him and she had always felt really bad about how her boyfriend treated him. So it didn't come to much surprise when she walked up to him after school when she standing outside, waiting for Monty to be done with showering after practice.

"Hey, Tyler.", she smiled at him and glanced at his bag that he was protectively holding. I wonder what he might have in that...

"Ashley.", he greeted with a smile that almost immediately disappeared again. "Are you okay?", she asked softly, he nodded but she could see in his eyes that he was lying. They were quiet for a second and an awkward silence appeared between them. 

"You're waiting for him, aren't you?", he asked her out of nowhere and suddenly his eyes got filled with rage. "I- yeah, I am. But he's showering so he's not coming in a while.", she stammered and looked over her shoulder. 

"Don't you think that I've noticed that you've been looking at me today?", he asked and just stared at her. "Was it your turn to babysit me today or what?"

Ashley couldn't help but feel intimidated since she knew exactly what he was capable of. She had stood eye to eye with him and that fucking gun that night at Spring Fling and she couldn't stop herself thinking of what would have happened if she and Clay weren't there.

Would he shoot anyone?

Was he in a dark enough place to kill people?

What would've happened if they had said the wrong thing? Would he had shot them?

Before she could answer, she felt a hand on her shoulder and saw Tyler's eyes widen in fear. "Leave her alone, faggot.", Monty said loudly and put his hand on the very scared boy's chest. He didn't have to tell him twice before Tyler quickly walked away from the couple.

"Why was he talking to you?", he asked with raised eyebrows. "Was he trying to make you apologize again?", he laughed at the memory while Ashley winced at the memory.

"I want an apology.", Tyler nervously interrupted the conversation that Ashley and Monty were having by the lockers. "What?", Monty asked as he slammed his locker shut. Ashley could already sense that this wasn't ending very well.

"For what you did. I want you to say that you're sorry.", he answered, this time a little slower. "No idea what you're talking about.", Monty scoffed and put his arm around his girlfriend's waist.

"Say you're sorry or I'll take you down. And Taylor and Kenneth.", Tyler said with no expression, he was making an attempt at being intimidating and it wasn't going very well.

"Yeah? What about Bryce? Are you gonna take him down?", Ashley knew that her boyfriend was testing him, he was also putting almost all of the blame on Bryce.


"Come on, you remember. No one did anything at this school without him saying go. You think you're gonna get an apology out of him?", Monty smirked at him, he was actually enjoying this.

"He- He told you to do it?", Tyler stammered, he looked at Ashley for some kind of reassurance that he was lying but she was staring at the ground, trying not to snap at Monty while everyone was watching.

"And he's gone, right? Out of your life. Ty-Ty, nothing happened to you that hasn't happened to a hundred guys. It's nothing. Get over it.", Monty insensitively said and walked off with Ashley.

"How could you say that?", she asked and pulled away from him when they were far enough. "Say what?", he rolled his eyes and looked at her with raised eyebrows. "That what you did was nothing!", she exclaimed, gaining a few looks from some students.

"If I didn't know better, I would say that you cared about him.", he said and grabbed her wrist tightly before dragging her away to their next class. 

"He just asked about homework.", she lied and looked up at him. She noticed the big bruise over his cheek that he definitely didn't have before. It looked fresh, not like the other bruises he had gotten from the homecoming game that were slowly fading.

"What happened to your face?", she asked with a worried expression and grabbed his chin to get a better look. "Dempsey.", he scoffed as she stroked her finger over his cheek. "Zach? Why would he hit you?", she asked with surprisement in her voice, Zach never hit someone without a reason.

"What did you do?", she added with raised eyebrows as she pulled away from him. "I just asked him if Tyler was the one who shot Bryce, and not Dempsey or Foley answered.", he explained as they walked towards his jeep.

"These fights will kill you one day.", she sighed. "Nah, I'm good.", he smirked as they sat down in the car.

Foreshadowing??? idk...

I felt so bad for Tyler this entire season, I just wanted to give him a hug :(

It would mean a lot for me if you guys would check out my other story that's called Hidden Gangs, I really like updating on it and it would be fun if more people were reading it!

Do you guys think that Tyler should 'get over' what happened to him or is Monty being a dick?

Don't forget to vote and comment!


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