Don't lie to me.

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Ashley was scared. Actually Ashley was damn right terrified.

She had been walking in the halls with Monty when she saw the police walk in. She hadn't told him about the encounter with them, in fear that he would get angry about it.

Monty was holding her arm a little bit too tight when he pulled her towards the classroom. He didn't say a word but she could tell that the cops were making him nervous.

He had a good reason, it wasn't like he had a good reputation with the cops. He didn't like them because they knew way too much about him.

He sat down with the other guys in the back and Ashley sat down at the front, she looked at Jessica's usual seat that was now empty. She hadn't talked to her friend today and was starting to miss her.

The lesson hadn't even started before principal Bolan's voice could be heard over the speakers.

"Ashley Bennett to the principals office immediately.", the students stopped talking and just stared at her as she slowly rose from her seat.

She walked out of the classroom with her head held high, she didn't even spare her boyfriend a look.

When she walked into the principals office, she was met with an officer and Mr. Porter. The officer was the same one that looked through her locker and interrogated her. She hated that officer and sensed that the feeling was mutual.

"Ashley, please sit down.", Mr. Porter said with a small smile, he tried to shake her hand but she completely ignored him and went to sit down in the chair.

"So, we would like to discuss Clay Jensen.", he started of by saying.

"Clay became very violent and angry last year, didn't he?"

"Well, everyone was angry. Bryce lied in court about Hannah and it pissed him off.", she explained as she crossed her arms.

"Did you get angry about Bryce lying?", he asked, Ashley was wondering why the fuck Mr. Porter was helping the police. Even though he hadn't been the best guidance counselor, he wanted the best for the kids at school so helping the police bust one of them, wasn't making any sense.

"Yes.", she scoffed.

"But you never became violent towards Bryce. You didn't beat him up when the fight broke out in school so why defend Clay's actions?", he asked, Ashley was getting more and more annoyed by his questions, it felt like he was trying to incriminate Clay.

"He was helping Justin!", she exclaimed loudly and immediately got hushed at by the officer.

"So that makes it okay?", he retorted and raised his eyebrows.

"I-... Clay's a good person. He cares for people and he's the most pacifistic person I've ever met so if he ever kicked the shit out of someone, it's because they fucking deserved it.", she defended her friend and received a smile and a nod from Mr. Porter.

This confused her. Why the hell would he smile at her when he wanted her to rat out Clay?

"You're free to go, Miss.", the officer said with a monotone tone. She rose from the chair and walked out of the room without saying another word.

She took a deep breath when she got out to the hall. Closing her eyes, she imagined herself being far away from here.

Maybe a beach? Mexico? The Philippines?

Or a city? New York? Toronto?

In the woods, maybe? Switzerland? Austria?

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