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"You need to pretend.", Bryce told Monty as they were sitting on Bryce's expensive couch in his expensive house.

"She doesn't trust you anymore.", he added and looked at the tan, freckled boy.

"And that's going to cause a problem."

"How am I supposed to act?", Monty asked and looked at his tanned hands.

"Act like you did when you first met her, be the same nice guy that she fell in love with.", Bryce said and patted his shoulder.

"Because if you treat her well now and she gets requested to talk in court..."

"Then she won't rat us out", Monty finished the sentence and looked at his friend.

"That's right brother, you gotta be smart.", Bryce said and chuckled.

"She has to fall in love all over again."

"You can stop being soft when she's done at court.", he added and smirked.


Ashley was standing quietly, looking at the letter that was summoning her to court.
She was in deep shock, she couldn't go to court.

They would ask her too many personal questions about Hannah, about Jeff, about Monty, about Sam and about her drunk mother.

Speaking of her mother, Ashley didn't know where she was at and she knew that she would need an adult at court. She couldn't take Sam to court since they wouldn't count him as an 'responsible' adult which is stupid because he literally raised her and is more of a parent than her real mother ever was.

Ashley wasn't ready for all the questions about her life, she would probably never be ready but that wasn't going to matter when she was in court.

She heard a knock on the door and got snapped out of her thoughts, she walked to the front door and opened it.

Monty stood outside with a box of chocolate, flowers and a big childish smile.

"What's all of this?", she asked while laughing at her boyfriend.

"It's our anniversary!", he exclaimed and looked at his small girlfriend.

"It's not our anniversary Monty", she said while chuckling, he had the same excitement as he had when she met him for the first time. He was acting the way that made her fall for him in the first place.

"Whatever, it's someone's anniversary somewhere.", he scoffed and walked inside.

He gave her the flowers and the chocolate. He then gave her a hug and put his chin on top of his girlfriends head.

"What's all this for?", she asked while breathing into his flannel, she could smell the scent of some cheap cologne.

She loved this feeling. She loved the feeling of being held.

"I wanted to do something nice. You deserve it.", he said and held her tightly.

"I don't mind.", she whispered quietly and took a deep breath, trying to hold onto the moment.

He pulled away and sat down at the dinner table. He saw the letter laying on the table and picked it up.

"Oh shit.... it's really happening huh?", he asked and ran his hand trough his dark brown hair.

"Yeah.... it sure is.", she answered and sighed loudly.

"How are you going to do with the family department?", he asked and looked at the tired girl that was sitting next to him.

"Shit I don't know, I can't bring mom since she's always drunk and I can't bring Sam because of obvious reasons.", she scoffed and tried to pretend like it didn't bother her even though she knew that Monty saw right through it.

"I'm gonna have to take care of that when the time comes."

"Alright enough sad stuff, let's watch a movie or something.", she said, got up from the chair and grabbed his hand to go upstairs.

The couple laid down in her bed and turned on the tv. They didn't even watch what was on the television, they just laughed, told stories and had a good time.

Ashley hadn't laughed that hard and that much  in a long time and it felt really good to not have to worry about anything for once even if it was just for a moment.

Monty was laying on her lap and was talking about some 'epic' baseball game. She was half listening, running her hand through his hair and just admiring how beautiful he was.

His tan skin with his freckles. His dark brown hair. His dark eyes.

"Are you even listening?", he suddenly asked and looked up at her.

"Yeah of course, something about a home run.", she answered and smiled.

"You are so not listening.", he said and laughed.

"I'm sorry babe.", she chuckled and laid her head down on Monty's chest. He started playing with her hair.

They were quiet for a few minutes, just relaxing and enjoying each other's company.

"You are so beautiful!", he exclaimed out of nowhere.

Ashley just looked at him with a frowning expression. "I'm really not.", she disagreed and shook her head.

"You are! Why do you think I noticed you so fast?", he asked and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Because your literal presence lights up the room that you walk into.", he continued.

She could feel her cheeks burning red so she looked down at the covers of her bed, she was never going to get used to compliments.

"Who would've thought..."


"Who would've thought that Montgomery De La Cruz was a softy.", she said while chuckling.

"Shut up", he smiled while playfully punching her arm.

They kept on talking longer into the night until Ashley fell asleep on her boyfriends chest.

Monty slowly picked up his phone and started to text Bryce.

"We're good. She's taken care of. She won't say anything."

"good work brother'

"Can I stop pretending?"

"wait until after she's spoken in court. if you treat her like normal then she'll probably rat us out when she testifies"


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