What happened?

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Monty was sleeping in Ashley's bed but his girlfriend was sitting on the ground leaning against the end of the bed with a bottle of whiskey in her hand. 2 AM and she was heartbroken.

Laying on the floor was the picture of Jeff and Ashley. She always looked at that picture when she was drinking.

She picked the picture and a tear fell down her face. She missed him so unbelievably much.

"Heaven couldn't wait for you.", she whispered quietly and kissed the photo.

"Where's Jeff?", she asked.

"I don't know, why do you care?", Monty questioned suspiciously.

"Because I haven't seen him in a while and he is always the loudest person at the party.", she answered with an annoyed tone, she pushed his arm away and rose from the sofa.

"Do you know where Jeff is?", she asked Bryce who was drinking with Justin.

"Yeah, he went on a beer run, he's been gone for a while though.", Bryce answered with a scoff and continued chugging the vodka.

"Well, since no one else is looking for him, I'm going to.", she said and walked out of Bryce's house, ignoring all drunk teenagers at the front porch.

"Hey!", Monty screamed angrily after her.

"Ey, drink with us and deal with her later.", Bryce said and handed him a bottle.

Ashley was walking on the street when she saw lots of ambulances driving by. She heard that they were stopping close by so she decided to go check on what happened.

She saw two cars that had collided and she also saw Clay standing there, just watching.

"Hey, Clay, what happened here?", she asked and patted him on the shoulder. He jerked forward and tried to hide what had happened.

"Ashley! We should probably go, right? Yeah, we should probably go. Let's go Ashley.", he rambled on but she pushed him away to look at what he was hiding.

The blood drained from her face when she saw what he was hiding. And there he was. Jeff. Her best friend. The paramedics were carrying Jeff up on a spinal board, his face was covered with blood and he was not moving.

She let out a painful scream and fell to ground. Two strong arms wrapped around her shaking body.

"What happened?! What happened to him?!", she screamed and cried.

She turned around to see the person that was keeping her away from him. She saw that Justin was the one that held her.

She pushed him away and tried to run towards Jeff on the spinal board.

Justin ran towards her and held her from going there.

"He's gone. He's gone, Ashley.", he said with a breaking voice. He tried desperately to calm down the screaming and heartbroken girl.

"He was good guy.", she got snapped out of her thoughts by Monty's voice. He had woken up by her heavy breathing.

"The best of the best."

"You know, I was so mad that I wasn't the one that held you that night.", he said.

"I miss him, Monty.", she said and looked up at him with tears in her eyes. He leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips.

"Me too."

"We have to do amazing at the pep rally for him.", she said and looked at the picture again, not even bothering to put it away so that Monty wouldn't see it. She didn't care.

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