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Ashley was getting more and more angry when she was failing again and again to cover up her black eye from the night before.

A loud crash appeared when Ashley punched her mirror. The shattered glass went everywhere and there was glass in her fist.

She just looked surprised at her bleeding hand and wondered where the sudden anger had come from.

She sat down again and tried to calm down.

"You're good, you're fine", Ashley whispered.

She was lying to herself and she knew it. Monty surprised her yesterday, he usually never hit her with his fists.

You know, I can't blame you for not helping me. You were the prettiest and most popular girl at school, helping me would just bring down your reputation.

Ashley walked to class, ignoring everyone's looks.

Before she could walk into the classroom, she felt someone dragging her into the bathroom.

"What the hell happened to you?", Jess asked and looked worried at the bruised girl.

"Nothing", Ashley answered quietly and looked at the ground.

"Fucking bullshit, tell us what happened so we can kick his ass", Sherri said angrily.

"I'm fine!", Ashley exclaimed.

"Yeah, you keep saying that but you're face is looking worse and worse everyday", Jess said and touched Ashley's face.

Ashley jerked back and looked in the mirror.

"What happened to your hand?", Sherri asked and pointed at Ashley's bruised knuckle.

"I broke my mirror", Ashley sighed.

"You smashed your mirror?", Jess asked.

Ashley shrugged and looked out in the hall.

"I gotta go before Montgomery finds me", Ashley said while walking out of the bathroom.

"Since when did she start calling him Montgomery?", Jess asked and looked at Sherri.

"Since he started beating her harder", Sherri answered and walked out with Jess.

I really can't blame you for anything that you did.

Ashley was in a angry mood, she just wanted to scream and just make some noise for once. Everyone was in class and she didn't feel like joining them so she decided to stay in the hall.

She walked back and forth, desperately trying to calm down.

Ashley lunged towards the lockers and hit them til her knuckle started bleeding again, she then rested her head against the lockers.

"I see you've picked up your boyfriends behavior"

She turned around and saw Justin standing behind her.

"Shut up", she said quietly.

"Come on, I'll help you clean yourself up", Justin said and smiled at her.

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