I need something new.

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"All this time... you've never loved me?", Monty asked with a broken voice. They were still sitting in the car after Ashley had told him the truth about absolutely everything that had been going on behind his back.

"I've always loved you, I was always there for you but I found someone who treats me like I'm his entire world. I'm sorry, I really am.", Ashley said with tears running down her cheeks.

"I love you.", Monty looked at her with a mixture of anger and hurt in his eyes.

"Lying isn't a good look on you.", she whispered with sigh. The fact that he was saying this after everything that he had done to her made Ashley very angry. He wasn't allowed to say that anymore, not after everything that he had done.

"I'm not fucking lying!", he exclaimed as he hit the steering wheel.

"You hit me, berate me and just act like a fucking dick and I just got tired of it.", she scoffed and crossed her arms.

"I have never felt safe with you, Justin is the one that makes me feel safe.", she added.

He got closer to her, it looked like he was going to hit her again. Monty didn't know how to act, he didn't know what the fuck to do, he just wanted her to stay, he needed her to stay.

"I would never treat you like that.", he whispered as he rested his head on her chest.

"Don't lie to yourself, you always treat me like that.", she said and ran her hand through his hair. Ashley glanced through the window, she was looking for an escape. She couldn't be there anymore, not with him.

"I want to be with Justin.", she whispered. Monty looked up at her, smirking through his tears and she could feel his fingers tracing her inner thigh.

"You sure about that?", he asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah.", she answered and pushed him away from her. He looked at her with surprise and confusion. She knew all his manipulative tricks and she was tried of it.

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer to him.

"I like this new confidence that you've got going on.", he said mockingly and grabbed her throat with his other hand.

"This is why I want to be with him. You grabbed me without even thinking about it, he would never do that to me.", she whispered as she was struggling to breathe.

Her hand sought out after the door handle on his car and she swiftly jumped out. She didn't even spare him a look before she was off, she was off to find Justin.

"Fuck!", Monty yelled as he punched his steering wheel.

She stormed through the parking lot and walked through the school. Desperately needing to find him.

She found him on the football field, completely alone. Just standing there, looking out on the field.

"Justin!", she said and embraced him. He held her tight, she could hear his heart beating fast as she rested her head on his chest.

He gently grabbed her chin to inspect her bruises. Her neck had a bruised handprint on it and Justin could literally feel the bump on her head as he ran his hand through her hair.

"He did this?", he asked with a low tone. The anger that he always felt when he saw her getting hurt was ignited again.

"Leave it, babe. You don't need to worry anymore. It's over. He's over.", she whispered and kissed him softly.

"Finally.", he chuckled and grabbed her waist as he returned the kiss. The anger that he just felt was replaced with genuine happiness.

He got the girl. Justin Foley finally, after everything that had happened, got with Ashley Bennett.

"I want to get out of here, I want to get out of this town. I want a new life with you.", she revealed as she pulled away from him.

"I'm down. I'm down for anything with you.", he answered with a small smile playing on his lips.

"Are you alright with leaving Clay and his parents? I mean, you already have a home.", she said with sad tone. Justin had a home and she didn't. The fear of him not wanting to come with her was big.

The only thing she had was an empty house. Her father was dead, her brother was in jail and her mother was god knows where. Yeah, she had her friends and she was so grateful that she had them but she wanted something new, something that could give her, at least a shot at happiness.

"I love Clay and I love his parents but I need something new as well. Are you ready to leave this town behind?", he asked as he looked down at the anxious girl that he cared so deeply for.

"I just need to talk to some people first.", she answered with a small smile. She needed to say goodbye to some people and try get someone else to forgive her...

Monty watched the two interact from the shadows of the gymnasium. There she was, his girl with fucking Justin Foley. All he could feel was anger because he knew that this time, he wouldn't get her back.

He had fucked up. He had fucked up and this time there was no way that Ashley would take him back. She had replaced him with a guy that made her feel safe.

He had lost her forever because he didn't know how to love.

Montgomery De La Cruz had just lost his one true love. He just lost the only person that he had let in. The only one that he trusted.

So, the end is near, people! I would say maybe one or two chapters before this book is officially done!

It's been a wild ride to say the least. I started this book about a year ago and I could never have guessed that so many people would actually enjoy it hahaha.

I need some criticism for the last few chapters.

What is your favorite thing about this book and what is your worst?

Thank you for reading!

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