Did you do it?

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She watched Justin and Clay walk into the school, she watched just like every other student did. He looked different, he looked way cleaner than the last time she saw him.

"Hey, we should probably not be here.", Sherri said with a concerned expression as she walked up to Ashley.

"Why not?"

"The tapes... they're out."

"Hold on, what? Everyone knows?", she asked with a shocked face.


That explained all the looks that Ashley had received all morning. The students at Liberty High had all listened to her tape.

Clay spotted the two girls and dragged Justin with him.



"Uh, the tapes are out.", Ashley said with a shaky voice.

"What? Are you fucking serious?", Justin freaked out.

"Jensen, did you know about this?", he asked the skinny boy.

"I, um... Yeah. I kind of, I guess I knew, but... look, I gotta go.", that's all he said before Clay walked out of the school.

"What the fuck are we going to do?", Ashley asked panicked.

"I don't know but we're having a meeting about it.", Sherri informed.

"I can't be there, I've gotta... I've gotta talk to Monty or something.", Ashley said before heading off.

She found Monty, Zach, Bryce and Scott but was too scared to tell them about the tapes so she just acted like everything was normal.

This day could NOT get any worse.

"Yeah, the ribbon-cutting,", Bryce said.

"So, with a giant pair of scissors and all that?", Scott asked.

"How the fuck else do you cut ribbon, Scotty?", Bryce laughed and pushed his shoulder.

"Hey, be nice.", Ashley chimed in and smiled at Scott.

"What? I don't know. I've never been to something like this."

"Not that big a deal. But bring your appetites.", Bryce explained.

Ashley could see that a group of students were surrounding Bryce's locker, just staring at it and when they saw Bryce, they all ran away.

"RAPIST", it said on Bryce's locker with big black letters.

"Hey! Who did this? Get the fuck back here!", Monty yelled after the running students.

"Hey, relax. It's fine. It'll come off.", Bryce said calmly and opened his locker.

"Just a stupid fucking prank, right?", he added.

"Dude, that's pretty fucked up.", Scott said with a worried tone.

"You wanna call it rape, call it rape. She wanted me. Me. She was practically begging me to fuck her."

Bryce's voice was on the speakers. Ashley scoffed to herself. They got the bastard on tape.

Bryce ran towards the camera room where he found the tape that was playing.

"Where the fuck did you get that?", he yelled loudly at the three students who where running away.

"Actually no. I don't forgive you. You gave me so much shit for absolutely nothing."

Now it was Hannah's voice that was playing on the speakers. The group looked around to see if there was anyone else left in the room, who could possibly be putting on tapes.

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