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Ashley walked inside the school completely drained. Like always people were staring at her which she had to get used to when she started dating the hotheaded jock Montgomery a year ago.

It was also a year ago Ashley's best friend killed herself and even though they weren't best friends at the time when it happened, she still felt guilty when she walked past her locker that was filled with small notes and suicide prevention posters.

"Come on Ashley, show me your face!"

"Hannah seriously, leave me alone!"

She knew why all the students were staring more than normal since she looked like a big hot mess. She had stayed up all night listening to thirteen casset tapes that Hannah left behind to tell everyone why she killed herself. She had listened to her own tape about 5 times just to grasp what Hannah was saying. She still couldn't believe that her friend was gone, even worse dead.

She ignored everyone's stares and went directly to Jess and Sherri who also were staring at her.

"What?", she asked them and looked at their worried faces.

"I don't look that bad", she continued and shrugged.

"Ashley your face...", Jess said quietly.

"Listen guys, I'm fine", Ashley answered to reassure her two closest friends.

"I'm gonna kill him, I swear to god", Sherri said angrily.

Before Ashley could tell Sherri that she truly was fine, she heard loud voices and turned around to see Bryce, Monty, Justin, Zach and a few other boys laughing about something.

The group made it's way to the three girls.

Justin went to Jessica and kissed her neck while Monty went to Ashley and kissed her on the lips.

"Wow Ash, you look rough", Bryce said and started laughing.

Ashley just rolled her eyes and Monty hugged her.

"I stayed up all night just listening to the tapes", Ashley said and looked at the ground.

"She was a lying bitch", Bryce said and everyone agreed.

"I mean still if the tapes get out we're all fucked", Ash said and looked at Bryce.

"I got a good lawyer, I don't know about you guys though", Bryce said and laughed. Ashley didn't laugh since she knew that everything that was said about Bryce on the tapes was true.

"Who's getting the tapes next?" Monty asked.

"I have no idea", Zach said and shrugged his shoulders.

"Wait hold on, what about Clay Jensen? He was practically in love with her and he was also on the tapes", Sherri said and looked around for the small boy who usually went unnoticed.

Everyone got on edge and a few people even looked scared of what Clay could do if he got the tapes.

"If someone's gonna fuck us over it's him", Justin said and looked at Sherri.

"He's not even going to listen to our stories", Zach implied and also started to look if he could spot Clay somewhere.

The bell rang and everyone started to go to class.

"You coming Ash?", Jess said and looked back at her who still stood with Monty.

"Yeah I'm just going to talk to Monty for a few seconds, you go", Ash said while smiling to her.

Jess and Sherri hesitated to leave their friend with the hotheaded and aggressive boy since they both could tell that she wasn't fine and that Monty was the reason why.

"He's so not good for her"

"Come on Hannah, she's happy with him", Jessica said and looked at Hannah.

"No I'm serious, I swear I always think he's gonna hurt her"

"He's just rough, he would never hurt her"

"I guess you're right"

When there was no one in the hall except the couple, Monty pushed Ashley against the lockers and put his arm against her chest. 

"Monty, please"

"Why the fuck is there still bruises since yesterday on your face", Monty said and clenched his fist.

"I didn't have time to do my makeup", Ash said and looked at the very angry boy.

"What fuck do you mean by that huh?!", Monty said with rage in his voice and punched the lockers next to Ashley's head to make her flinch.

"I'll ask Jess or Sherri if they got something to cover it up", she said quietly and looked at the ground.

Monty put his hand around her throat and got close to her face and whisper "You do that".

He then backed off, removed his hand from her throat and put his arm around her shoulders.

Even though these interactions happened all the time with Monty, she always got scared.

"Now we're going back to class and you're going to pretend like everythings fine because it is", Monty said and led her to class.

When Ash was about to enter the classroom, he kissed her on the lips.

"I love you", he said and looked Ashley in her eyes.

"I love you too", she answered and walked into the classroom.

"He hurt you, I saw it", Hannah said confronting her best friend about her boyfriend.

"Shut up Hannah, you don't know what you're talking about!", Ashley spat out and felt the anxiety growing in her stomach.

"He's not good for you, he's fucking abusing you", Hannah said and looked at her broken and bruised best friend who was once strong.

"You're just mad because you couldn't make it work with Justin so now you're trying to fuck up my relationship!", Ashley said angrily.

"It was a mistake to ever be friends with you", Ash continued and walked away with a fast pace and clenched fists.

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