I'm no killer

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Ashley was staring at the letter that she had gotten from the police station. She was getting investigated on Bryce's death.

What the hell  had they found on her?

She nervously cracked her knuckles. She hadn't done anything suspicious, right? What the fuck would Monty do if he found out that she was getting investigated for his best friends murder?


Sitting in the investigation room made Ashley's skin crawl. She was extremely nervous and kept fiddling with her hands. Mr. Standall was about to show her something on his computer, he turned the computer around so she could see.

She got goosebumps when she watched herself pointing a gun at Bryce and at herself.

"So... Ashley, what do you have to say about this?", he asked softly, she had always liked Mr. Standall. He was kind and understanding, he was the only deputy that she had been willing to talk to when Sam got arrested.

"I- I was in a really dark place. It was when the Baker's trial was going on and I had a lot of shit on my mind.", she tried to explain but she realized that she was just digging herself an even bigger hole.

"Okay... because it looks like you're threatening him.", he pointed out and brought out a pen and paper.

"I know how it looks, Mr. Standall. But if I wanted him dead, I would've done it that night.", she sighed and looked at him.

"I hated him but I'm no killer.", she added and watched him write rapidly on the paper.

"Why were you there to begin with? You said that you were in a dark place but do you have a reason to why you went to his house?", he asked.

"He ruined a lot of people's lives. I mean, he raped my best friend and got away with it, he was a bully and just a massive dick.", she ranted and stopped herself before she said too much.

He sighed and looked up at her. "I don't really believe that's your entire reason to why you confronted him. I don't think you went to his house with a gun and threatened to not only kill him but kill yourself because he raped your friend."

"He must've done something to you as well."

"He never did anything to me ,personally. I was just so angry about seeing my best friend hurt because of him and I wanted him to pay for what he had done.", she was feeding him lies, and not small little white lies, these lies were big. Lies that could decide her entire future.

"Why did you want to shoot yourself?", he asked with a frown.

"Like I said, I was at a very dark place and I thought that if I shot myself on his property, he would get caught and he would pay.", she explained with a sigh, why didn't she think about the cameras?

"I was drunk so the plan made sense in my head but now when I'm looking back at it, I'm realizing that it wasn't a very good idea.", she added.

"It's odd because both you and Clay Jensen did the exact same thing.", Mr. Standall revealed and leaned back in his chair. Ashley frowned and thought about why Clay would want to shoot him.

Oh yeah. Hannah. Everything that Clay did was for Hannah.

Mr. Standall rose from the table, told her that an officer was going to talk to her as well and left the room. The same officer that looked through her locker walked into the room and sat down in front of her with his arms crossed.

He just sat there looking at her, Ashley didn't like this officer at all. He was one of those officers that made her not want to talk to the police.

"What's that on your throat?", he broke the silence with a question that didn't need answering.

"It looks like a bruise, has someone been choking you?", he asked again before she could answer.

"My boyfriend during sex.", she answered shortly, another lie that was better than telling the truth.

"Really? Because we searched a little closer into your life and saw that you are dating Montgomery De La Cruz, we bring in this boy almost every week because of abuse from his father or abuse from his own hands.", he scoffed and stared her down with a raised eyebrow.

"The boy is ticking bomb, just waiting to explode. So you're telling me that your boyfriend didn't do that? Because I know that he was more than capable to do something like that."

"Oh, my boyfriend did leave me this but not in the situation that you're thinking of.", she said and rose from the table. She was done here. She did not feel like answering any more questions especially not from this officer.

She ignored his yelling and walked straight out of the police station and let the warm air from outside hit her face. As she started walking, she felt tears streaming down her face.

She had her shot to tell the police everything, but she didn't. Because she was scared of what the aftermath would lead to.

Ashley wiped her tears and took out her phone. There was only one person that came to her mind when she needed to talk. Justin.

"Hey, do you want to meet up at my place? I know you're in school but I really need you right now.", she said trying to hold her tears when she heard his voice.

"I'll be there.", he answered without thinking.


There was a knock on her door, she opened up so that Justin could walk inside. He had barely shut the door before she threw herself into his arms. He held her tightly, without knowing the reason why she was upset.

"I got called to the police station today and they asked me loads of questions about Bryce. One of the officer asked me about the bruise on my throat and I physically couldn't say anything. And now I feel like I fucked up my one chance to get help.", she rambled as she sobbed into his chest.

"It's okay. You're okay.", he mumbled as he stroked her hair. She pulled away from his chest and met his forehead with hers.

"I love you.", he whispered as he looked deeply in her tear-filled eyes. "And I know that you feel guilty about saying it back but I want you to know it.", he whispered again with a smile.

She leaned in and went for the kiss that she had needed all day.

That kiss became a make out session which lead to both of them laying in Ashley's bed, just looking at each other.

"You are so beautiful.", he mumbled as he tucked some hair behind her ear. "You're not so bad yourself.", she chuckled as she laid her head down on his chest.

They fell asleep like that. Both looking like they had nothing to worry about in the entire world. For once, they looked peaceful.

So another chapter done. I'm typing this chapter right before I go to bed so I'll read all your comments tomorrow!

Do you guys like Ashley's personality and what is it that makes her likable?

Don't forget to vote and comment!


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