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Everyone was on guard because of trial. The students walked through the halls with cautiousness so they wouldn't accidentally walk into the jocks, who really felt the need to beat someone or something.

Ashley was about to walk into class when she saw that Mr. Porter was talking to Jessica so she decided that she would save her friend.

"Jess!", she exclaimed loudly as she walked up to them.

"We still gotta celebrate, girl.", she continued and gave Jess a side hug.

"Uh, the squad made Jess a flyer yesterday.", she explained to Mr. Porter's confused face.

"Wow, congratulations, Ms. Davis.", he said.

"Thank you."

"Think about what I said, okay?"


Mr. Porter walked away from the two girls.

"Look what I found in my locker.", Jess said and gave her a blue paper.

The paper had big red letters which spelled out "KEEP YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT".

"Holy shit, Jess.", Ashley said surprised and gave her the paper back.

"I know... it has to be someone we know, right?", Jess asked concerned.

"It has to."

"Let's go and show Alex and Sherri.", Ashley said and grabbed Jessica's hand.

They found both Alex and Sherri at their lockers.


"Hey, where were you two this morning?", Alex asked when he saw them.

"Monty.", Ashley answered shortly, receiving two condescending nods in return.

"I was avoiding Chloe. And, like, everyone else.", Jess answered nervously.

"What's wrong?", Sherri asked.

"Someone's trying to keep me quiet."

"What? What happened?", Alex wondered as he closed his locker.

"Not here. Come on.", Jess said as she walked away to the cafeteria.

When the group of four walked in, Ashley immediately saw Monty and the others. He saw her and waved for her to come and sit.

"Uhh, I..I.", Ashley stammered as her eyes exchanged between Monty and her friends.

"Go, it's fine.", Jess said while smiling.

She turned around and walked up to the table.

"Hey, babe.", Monty said and pulled her onto his lap.


She kept her eye on the table where her friends were sitting at and saw that Jess was starting to get upset over something that Alex was saying.

Jess rose from the table abruptly and walked away from Alex while Sherri followed her. She had a strong urge to follow them but she didn't want to get asked any questions by her boyfriend so she unwillingly stayed.

When the guys and Chloe were all done with their food, everyone rose from the table and got ready to leave the cafeteria.

Monty had his arm around Ashley as they were walking. He had been incredibly touchy the latest few days and now he was kissing her in the hall.

"Babe, I've gotta go.", she said while laughing and pulled away.

"No... stay.", he groaned and pulled her in again. She thought to herself that she could afford being a bit late to practice and gave in to his kiss.

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