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Walking in to Liberty High School as the new kid scared Ashley Bennett half to death. Since she had always being scared of being different, she didn't like this feeling at all.

Even though the crippling anxiety, she was still happy that all the kids were inside their classrooms and not in the hallway staring at her.

Even though Ashley being a very beautiful girl with long brown hair and blue piercing eyes, she still was very insecure and didn't like herself at all so the fact that being new meant having everyone stare at you was a very scary feeling.

She decided to go to the school counselor to get her schedule and her books. When she walked into the counselor's room, she was greeted with a smiling man who introduced himself as Mr. Porter.

"You must be Ashley Bennett!", Mr. Porter said and shook her hand firmly.

Ashley just nodded took the books and schedule that he handed to her.

"Not much of a talker huh? You'll light up soon", he said smiling and looked Ashley in her eyes.

Ashley walked out of the office thinking that Mr. Porter seemed like good man and a good counselor.

She looked down to her schedule and didn't notice the three girls walking up to her.

"Hey! You're the new girl right?", a girl with wavy brown locks said smilingly.

"Yeah, I'm Ashley", she said nervously.

"I'm Hannah and this is Jessica", she said and pointed to a smiling lightskinned girl.

"And this is Sherri", Hannah said and pointed to a very beautiful darkskinned girl.

And that was the beginning of a friendship that would last forever... or so they thought.

The three girls started showing Ashley around the school and showed her everything that she needed to know.

When they were done with the tour, the four girls walked back to the hall that was now filled with students that made Ashleys skin crawl.

"Listen Ash, most of the kids at this school are pretty nice", Sherri said while Hannah just scoffed.

"But if you don't want to get in trouble, you should probably not hang out with the jocks especially Bryce Walker and Montgomery De La Cruz", she continued and looked at a group of boys.

"Justin isn't a good idea either though since Hannah has a thing for him", Sherri said and lightley pushed Hannah.

"Bryce is the big one with the blue letterman jacket and lightbrown hair", Hannah said ignoring Sherri and pointed at Bryce.

"And Montgomery is the one with the flannel who seems to be already looking at you", Jessica said and when Ashley turned around to look at the group of boys, she saw that every single boy in the group was practically staring at her.

Ashley could feel her cheeks burning red but reminded herself that no one knows who she is at this school and straightened her back to look more confident.

The girls had noticed that Ashley looked more confident and started gassing her up.

"Yes girl, you look so good so flaunt it!", Sherri said and laughed.

She looked back smilingly at the boy group and saw that Montgomery had a smirk on his face.

Bryce whispered something in his ear that made both of them laugh and then look at Ashley.

Ashley turned her back to them and continued to talk to her new friends.

"Hey, Ashley!"

Ashley turned around and saw Montgomery walk up to her.

"Montgomery", Ashley said with a smile.

"My friends call me Monty but whatever that's not the point, I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out at Rosies or some other place", he said and looked back at his now hollering friends.

Ashley also looked at his friends and chuckled.

"Sure Monty"

When Monty walked back to his friends, Ashley turned back to her chocked friends with a big smile.

"Girl, you have some balls", Jessica said and started laughing.

"The guy we specifically told you to stay away from, just asked you on a date", Hannah said and shook her head with a smile.

"Be careful with that boy, Ash", Sherri said and smiled.

"Whatever, you only live once", she answered and walked to class with her new friends.

Ashley didn't realize it but she really should've listened to her friends

So this is the prolouge to my story and I don't even know if it's good so sorry haha

I don't know how it will end but Monty is still the ass that he is in the show so sorry to everyone who thought he was going to get redemption in this story.

So I'm gonna keep writing on this story whenever I feel like it so don't expect chapters everyday.

The story is also going to change from before Hannah killed herself and after she killed herself.

I dont even know if anyone cares lol so bye haha

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