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Ashley was determined to find Tony, she was determined to stop him from giving the tapes to Hannah's parents.

The problem was that Tony wasn't answering any of her calls, it felt kinda like he knew that Ashley was searching for him and that he was avoiding her.

When she was at school, she decided to skip class to look for him. She had told Monty that she was having problems with her drunk mom and that she needed to be there her.

She saw the short latino boy talking to Clay at his locker. She walked up to him and completely ignored Clay.


"Hey", Tony answered.

"Please don't release the tapes, please, Monty will kill me", she begged him and looked into the boys brown eyes.

"I... I've already gave them to her parents", Tony stammered and looked at the ground.

Ashley felt her heart drop, she couldn't breath and felt like she was losing control.

"What?", she just said and took a deep breathe to calm herself down.

"I'm sorry"

She was hyperventilating and couldn't stand straight so she stumbled to the girls bathroom where she sat down on the dirty floor.

Both Tony and Clay ran inside the bathroom to see the brown haired girl sitting on the floor with her hands on her face and Tony crouched down in front of her.

"Breath Ashley, you're having a panic attack", he calmly said and grabbed her hand.

"I can't, I can't, I can't", she quickly stuttered and felt the tears running down her cheeks.

"Hey, Hey, hey, do you remember that time where you and Hannah took me to that nail salon", Tony said and tucked her hair behind ear.

"Yeah... you said that you hated it but Hannah and I both knew that you loved your red nails", Ashley sniffled and showed a faint smile.

Her panic attack was gone but she was still crying because of anxiety of what would happen now.

"Oh why Ashley, why do you protect him so much?", Tony sighed and looked at the crying, broken down girl.

"Because," she sighed, "I thought that if I could love someone like him, it would make up for me not loving myself."

"And I do, I really do love him, the only time he's scary is when he's mad and I'm the one that makes him mad so it's basically my fault."

Tony couldn't believe what he was hearing. How could Ashley Bennett not love herself. How could this beautiful girl put herself through years of abuse just because she didn't love herself.

"So it's your fault? So the black eyes, the bruises, the bloody noses and the gash in your forehead is your fault?", Clay said out of nowhere and looked angrily at Ashley.

"It doesn't make sense. Why the fuck would you protect someone like him?!", Clay spat out.

Ashley quickly got to her feet, even more angry than the skinny boy in front of her and put her finger on his chest.

"Because I love him", she said before storming out of the bathroom, leaving the two boys.

"Is she so blinded by her love for that abusive asshole that she can't see how horribly he treats her?", Clay ranted and gave out a big sigh since he couldn't understand how she could stay with Monty after everything that he's done to her.

"She's got a good heart Clay. She really does. It's just been broken. A lot.", Tony said and looked at him.

"You don't need to rub it in that she's dumb for staying with him, she knows. She's trying her best to get away from him but it's hard to get away from the one that you love", he advised and walked out of bathroom as well, leaving the skinny boy alone.

Ashley didn't know what to do when she was standing outside the school, she was so angry at Clay because of his comment about her goddamn relationship. He had a lot of opinions about relationships for someone that had only dated one person.

Even though she was mad at Clay she couldn't help but think about what he said, she knew that she loved Monty, she was sure of that.

Monty just has a bad side that I happen to see very often. He's a good guy when he's not angry....... Right?

She sighed loudly and ran her hand through her long hair. She was lying to herself and she knew it. Monty was an aggressive and abusive ass but she loved him anyway and would never leave him. Even if she wanted to leave him, she would never been able to. He would've found her and then she would have it even worse than she has it now.

How did I get in this mess? How did I ever let this go so far?

She couldn't answer those questions because she didn't know herself. The only thing that she knew was that she loved him.

Monty walked out of the doors of Liberty High and immediately saw his distressed girlfriend.

"How's your mom?", he asked her since he knew how it felt to have absent parents.

Ashley threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. She needed that hug.

"Sorry", she said, still hugging him.

"It's alright", he answered and put his chin on top of her head. Their height difference didn't make it easy to hug each other.

"It's fucked up," she laughed. "You know? Like my dad is dead, my brothers in jail and my fucking mom is a fucking alcoholic".

"I understand babe, it's alright.", Monty reassured her, pulled away and placed his hands on both of her cheeks.

"You're alright"


• pathological lying.
• cunning and manipulative.
• shallow emotional response.
• callousness and lack of empathy.

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