She's sensitive.

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Ashley walked into the school with her head held high. Some people at school knew about her visit to the police station so she made it her mission to look as unbothered as possible.

Justin left her house earlier this morning because of practice and she was still feeling incredibly guilty about being with him behind Monty's back but he made her happy. He made her feel safe.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and when she turned around, she saw that it was Clay. He was looking more nervous than usual which said a lot. "What's up?", she asked with a frown.

"Were you at the police station?", he asked as he looked over his shoulder frantically. She nodded and pulled him towards the library so that they could talk without too many people hearing them.

"They have a video of me threatening Bryce with a gun.", Clay whispered while fidgeting with his hands. "They have one of me as well, I did the exact same thing.", she admitted, his eyes widened out of surprisement.


"Well, I was completely broken down because of, you know, he raped both me and Jess.", she sighed and ran her hand through her hair.

"What about you, Clay?", she asked and watched him struggle to find the right words.

"I was upset about Hannah. I think, I would've shot him if Justin hadn't been there to stop me. What stopped you?", he asked with sigh.

"I don't know.", she mumbled as she looked back at that night. "I mean, I was so unbelievably broken and upset that I was about to do everything in my power to hurt him but when he started to talk to me, I just realized that maybe murder or suicide wasn't the best solution."

"Did he reach out to you? Because I heard he reached out to Jessica and Justin.", he asked and looked at her.

Ashley was sitting at Monéts with her laptop, reading about law school in Boston. She had always been really interested in becoming a lawyer since she felt like she never got any help from the lawyers that she had had.

The lawyers that she had when her brother got arrested were literally just trying to get her to incriminate him even more. She wanted more than that, she wanted to be better than that.

She heard the chair in front her get pulled out and when she looked up to see who it was, she got met with her worst nightmare. Bryce.

She just stared at him with her mouth slightly open in shock. "Hey...", he looked nervous.

"What the fuck are you doing here?", she asked while staring at him with so much hate in her eyes. She felt her hands shaking.

"I know that you hate me and you have all right to but I- I just wanted to say that I'm sorry.", he stammered. He didn't radiate the same overconfident energy that he had when he went to Liberty.

"You want to say that you're sorry?", she scoffed and violently rose from the table. She was not talking to him, she couldn't do this.

Before Ashley could walk away, Bryce had grabbed her wrist to make her stay.

"Please.", he pleaded and immediately let go of her when he saw that she was shaking. She slowly sat down again, crossed her arms and waited for him to talk.

"Are you and Justin still, you know...", he asked and looked at her. Ashley had forgotten that Bryce saw when they helped Tyler which means that he also saw when Justin and Ashley shared their kiss.

"What? Are you gonna tell Monty? Are you gonna fuck up my life even more?", she asked with raised eyebrows.

"I know I fucked up a lot of things in your life, I mean, I fucking raped you.", he sighed.

"Yeah, you fucking raped me, you tried to manipulate me, you helped my boyfriend abuse me, you raped my two of my best friends and now you want me to forgive you?", she ranted, her voice growing louder and louder by the second.

"You ruined my entire life. So no, I don't forgive you and I hope you'll die, knowing that everything that happened was your fault.", was the last thing she said before slamming her computer shut and walking out of the coffee shop.

"He asked me to forgive him.", she scoffed and leaned back in her chair. Even now, when Bryce was dead, she couldn't bring herself to forgive him. She didn't care that he tried to get better, he was never going to be able to fix the mess that he left in not only her life but in everyone's lives.

"And I'm guessing that you said fuck no?", Clay asked and smiled at her. He knew her too well.


Justin walked into the locker room and got met with the guys yelling at him.

"You are my fucking hero.", Charlie chuckled. "I mean, Jessica Davis is scary as shit but she's so hot.", he added with a smile.

"Jessica?", Justin asked with a confused expression as he watched the guys laugh. He and Jess broke up ages ago and were now just friends.

"You've been holding out on us! Turns out the reason she wants to shut down guy's sports is so you'll have more time to bone her.", Monty smirked as he stepped close to Justin.

Justin kept quiet as they walked out of the locker room. If Monty only knew...

He walked to his locker and towards Zach who was sitting on a bench.

"You love her, right? Ashley.", he asked while fidgeting on his crutches. Justin looked at him and nodded.

"Take care of her. She's sensitive. If you break her heart, I'll make it my personal mission to kick your ass.", Zach said, half joking, half serious.

"I will."


Back in the locker room after practice, Justin was putting on his clothes again while listening to the others conversations. "Yeah, I fucked her good.", One of them said with a chuckle.

"What about you, Monty? You got something from that hot girlfriend of yours?", Charlie asked with a smirk.

"Yo, Ashley's so fucking hot.", One of the guys exclaimed before receiving a hard push into the lockers by Monty.

"Nah, We haven't fucked in a while. She just cries so fucking much, she cries almost daily, it's honestly annoying.", he scoffed as he packed his clothes. Something about this comment bothered Justin so incredibly much.

"I wish, she would just shut up and fuck me already.", Monty laughed.

Justin flew up from the bench that he was sitting on and placed himself dangerously close to Monty. "What's your problem, Foley?", he asked with a smirk.

"Do you feel like a man? Do you feel like a fucking man when you push her around?", Justin spit out, he was furious.

"Why do you care about what I do with my girl, huh?", the very violent boy asked, he lost his smirk very fast. Why the fuck would Justin care about his girl?

"No reason.", Justin answered and walked past Monty, making sure to bump into him as he walked out of locker room.


I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a pretty long time. I just haven't gotten any inspiration at all and it's honestly super hard :/

Do you think that Ashley should've forgiven Bryce?

Don't forget to vote and comment!


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