Who hurt you?

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When Ashley found Bryce, Zach, Scott, Andrew and three other baseball guys at their usual spot by the lockers, she realized that her boyfriend was nowhere to be found.

"Hey, where's Monty?", she asked the laughing boys.

"Man, I don't know.", Bryce answered with a scoff and continued talking with his friends.

"Hey Bryce! Stop being such a dick and tell me where he is.", her tone was demanding and unlike her, but she needed answers to where her boyfriend was. All seven jocks turned to look at the 5'3 female.

"I.Don't.Know.", Bryce said slowly with a smirk.

"Did he go home?", she said quietly, almost whispering. Bryce got a concerned look on his face, Ashley didn't know if it was real but it seemed real.

"Yeah... shit, I think he did.", he said slowly and looked at the concerned girl.

"I'm going to his house to check on him, wanna come with me?", she asked Bryce.

"I would love to but I can't afford to skip another class.", he said with a frown.

She nodded and went out of the front doors of Liberty High School. She started walking to Monty's house.

She was worried about Monty's dad. His father was such an abusive and bad parent. He never missed a chance to tell his son how useless he thought he was.

Apparently, last summer Monty's dad showed up to a small get-together down by the lake to drag Monty home. The party ended immediately after he left. No one could recover from the mood that he left behind. And no one would go into detail about what happened. All that was clear was that Monty got hit in front of a lot of people. And Monty was not nice to those people the next time he saw them.

If Ashley was at the party, she would've protected him. She would've at least had tried.

She knocked on the front door of the De La Cruz house. She had to knock a few times before Mr. De La Cruz threw the door open.

"Hello, Mr. De La Cruz!", she greeted.

"Hello, sweetheart.", he said with a familiar smirk. Monty's dad always tried to flirt with her, always ignoring that she was his son's girlfriend.

"I was just wondering if Montgomery was here?", when she asked this question, the smile from his face dropped immediately.

"He's in his room, hiding like a pussy.", he grunted and moved so that she could go inside.

She walked up the stairs and knocked on her boyfriend's door. No answer. She decided to go inside.

Monty was laying on his bed with closed eyes. He didn't even react when she sat down next to him. She saw that he had a big bruise on his cheek.

"Hey.", she said softly and held his hand.

"What happened, baby?", she asked quietly as he sat up from his bed.

"You know, the usual stuff. I dropped a plate and he started yelling at me, I pushed him away from him and then he hit me and I tried to hit back but you know that he's stronger than me and he hit me again and again and again.", he rambled, his voice was breaking and tears were falling down his face.

She was surprised and happy that he was finally opening up to her and showing her his pain. It was rare to see him like this. The only side anyone ever saw of him was the mean and tough side.

"Baby...", she hushed and hugged him.

"You're okay.", she said softly and put her forehead on his forehead.

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