You leave her alone!

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"You're so beautiful.", Justin sighed as he watched Ashley crawl into her bed.

"You're not so bad yourself.", she smiled at him, he laid down next to her with his arm around her shoulders.

"We should run away.", Justin said out of nowhere.

"Where to?", she asked curiously and looked at him.

"I heard Spain is very beautiful.", he answered with a smirk.

"We should go there, it would be nice.", Ashley beamed, she had always wanted to go to Spain.

"You know, I asked you the exact same question a year and a half ago and you turned it down, what changed?"

"I guess, I'm more desperate to get away now.", she sighed.

Justin looked at Ashley. He was in love. He was in love with this girl. This girl who had been beaten down again and again but just continued to get up.

And Ashley was in love with Justin. Even though she was in a very peculiar situation, she fell in love everyday, little by little. It was just a matter of time before she would do something stupid. For love.

She fell asleep shortly after and wasn't awake to see that Justin was injecting something into his toe.


Justin was sitting on a bench in the gym, he looked like a mess. The drugs felt great but the aftermath felt not so great. He couldn't focus on anything right now, he just wanted to go back to Ashley.

Monty saw this opportunity to have chat with him.

"You don't look so good, Foley.", he stated with a smirk. Justin looked at him and sighed, he wasn't feeling like dealing with Monty right now.

"Did your boy find your stash?", Monty leaned in and whispered. Justin jumped up from the bench and stood dangerously close to the smirking boy.

"What the fuck is your problem?", he asked while gritting his teeth.

"Maybe Brycey found out that you were using again so you and Clay took him out?", Monty was testing him, he wanted him to get mad.

"You know, Clay thinks you did it. We both know that you could do it.", Justin said as he watched Monty's face become pale.

"What's that supposed to mean?", he asked, his tone immediately changed.

"Just take a look at Ashley. She's the perfect example of what you're capable of.", Justin whispered and patted his shoulder.

"Why do you care so fucking much about her, huh? Every time something happens it's always fucking you who complains about it.", Monty exclaimed as he stepped closer. The other boys in the gym glanced at them, knowing that a fight would probably break out soon.

"Someone needs to be there for her.", Justin spat out, immediately realizing that he said something that he shouldn't have.


"Are you fucking my girl?!", he yelled before he lunged towards Justin. Monty got on top and hit Justin over the face two times before some of the boys pulled him away.

"You leave my girl alone! You leave her alone! You fucking hear me, Foley?!", he screamed as he was held back by the boys.

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