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"Do you remember anything from the party?", Jess asked and started laughing.

"Nope, I don't remember anything", Ashley answered proudly.

"You were so wasted", Bryce said and looked at Ashley.

"Yeah, you truly were", Monty said and hugged her.

The usual group stood and talked outside the lockers.

The bell rang and people were walking to class.

"I don't wanna go to class", Justin groaned.

"You wanna skip?", Monty asked Justin who nodded.

"You're coming with?", he asked Ashley with a smirk.

"Sure, I don't feel like going to class either", Ashley said and followed her boyfriend and Justin to Monty's car which stood parked outside of the school.

Justin sat shotgun and Ash sat behind Monty that was driving.

"So where do you guys feel like going?", he asked and turned around to look at Ashley and Justin.

"What about the beach?", Ashley suggested and both Monty and Justin agreed.

"Let's go to the beach then", Monty said and started driving away.

When they got the beach, Monty totally ignored the parking signs and drove all the way down to shore, Ashley climbed out of the car and layed down on the head of the car.

Justin and Monty sat down on the sand and Justin started talking about all the crazy girls he had dated.

The conversation ended with Ashley laughing so hard that she couldn't breathe and with Monty laying down on the sand crying of laughter.

Ashley looked at Justin and he winked at her.

"Okay guys, we should probably get going", Ashley said, still laughing.

The boys walked back to the car and Monty started to drive back to the school.

When they finally got back to the school, a lot of students were walking outside and as usual that didn't bother Monty who just kept on driving almost hitting Alex Standall.

"The fuck! People are trying to walk here!", Alex shouted at Monty and Justin who just looked at him and laughed.

"The fuck is your problem?", Alex said and walked to the car and threw his backpack on the ground.

Ashley was worried that this situation would get out of hand which it always did when it came to Monty and tried to grab Justin's attention.

"Dude, Alex, Chill it's all good", Monty said and chuckled which just made Alex even more angry.

"It's all good? You think you can run people over just like everyone else at this fucking school?", Alex snapped back at him.

"Justin?", Ashley whispered.

Justin turned around and saw that she was worried about what Monty would do to her friend.

"You're tripping man", Monty said and laughed like he couldn't understand why the boy was mad at him for.

"Get out of the car", Alex whispered and took a deep breath.

Ashley could already tell that this was not going to end well.

Monty just looked at the angry boy with a surprised face and said nothing.

"GET OUT OF THE CAR!", Alex screamed and punched the car door.

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